Vetko Arabadjiev remains in hospital due to COVID-19 (Obzor)


Marinela and Vetko Arabadjievi from the time when they had no problems with the law. PHOTO: MARINELA ARABADJIEVA’S PERSONAL FACEBOOK PROFILE

The businessman was released at Marinela’s house 25 years ago since their wedding

The hotelier charged with a heavy form of pneumonia, plus breathe with an oxygen mask

Vetko Arabadjiev was released under house arrest with an electronic bracelet for surveillance due to his deteriorating health. This is clear from the sentence of the Specialized Criminal Court of Appeals this Monday. It was posted on Wednesday. That day was his wedding with Marinela 25 years ago and she wrote a post on Facebook about it.

Vetko Arabadjiev will not return home immediately despite the court’s final decision, because he is in the room of a private hospital in Sofia and is still being treated for the virus. In fact, he was placed there at his request more than a year ago and, according to the prosecution, there are doubts about the methods of his treatment.

The reason Vetko Arabadjiev is in the hospital is a prostate infection. Once you recover from the coronavirus, the gland will have to be removed, according to medical documents sent from the hospital for the meeting.

It happened without the participation of the accused for tax crimes and money laundering. In such cases, their inclusion is ensured online, but in the covid compartment this is not possible.

In fact, Vetko Arabadjiev entered there on November 20, after raising his temperature to 39 degrees. According to medical records, he had severe coronavirus pneumonia and severe lung damage. He was breathing with an oxygen mask.

During the hearings of both instances, the Prosecutor’s Office opposed his release under house arrest. There are several reasons: he went into hiding and had to be searched, he knew it because his phones were interviewed by witnesses to the case and he has a huge financial resource in offshore areas, thanks to which he can escape again.

The lawsuit against him, his wife Marinela, his son Valcho and 5 other people continues in the Specialized Criminal Court. The charges are tax crimes and money laundering. With the release of Arabadjiev, no one has been arrested. (24 hours)
