Letter to the municipality: in “Kaufland” and “Lidl” you can, and in the bazaar of “Kapana”



To the Plovdiv Municipal Crisis Headquarters,

Ministry of Health,

Socially engaged media,

The general public

Open letter

In relation to the publicly announced decision from the Municipal Crisis Headquarters to cancel the Kapana Christmas Bazaar, the “Christmas Crafts Fair” and the Pendara Farmers Market – Plovdiv

“We, its organizers, would like to address this issue and ask the following questions:

1. We ask Headquarters to draw a parallel between the existing Municipal Markets and the Russian Market on the one hand, and the Kapana Christmas Bazaar, the Christmas Crafts Fair and the Agricultural Markets on the other, taking into account whether a double standard in the attitude of the municipal administration. We ask headquarters to clarify what makes private Christmas markets more dangerous than municipal ones.

2. We request Headquarters to draw a parallel between the aforementioned private markets and Kaufland, Liddle, Billa, Praktiker, Baumax, Metro, Technopolis, Jumbo stores along with the others. foreign companies. How are the open Christmas bazaars more dangerous for the health of citizens than the large chain stores? For the society, it seems that the interests of wealthy foreign lobbies are protected, unlike the food of Bulgarian producers, artisans and authors.

3. We ask Headquarters to make a parallel between the ice rink located in the Central Plaza and the Christmas bazaars. What makes it safer for the health of citizens? Here we note that in their efforts to eliminate the danger of contagion, the bazaar organizers have abolished any cultural content that may be a prerequisite for overcrowding.

4. We ask the Headquarters to explain why the Order “RD-01-677 / 25.11.2020” of the Ministry of Health, which gives permission for this type of activity, does not apply. What exactly makes Christmas bazaars so dangerous for public health?

5. Do we ask the Chiefs of Staff to honestly and openly present the specific reasons why they ban Christmas bazaars in the city of Plovdiv?

We ask the Plovdiv Municipality for permission to hold the already organized Christmas bazaars and we responsibly declare that we will observe all security measures. We call for fair and logical solutions to avoid harming Bulgarian workers due to unpredictability and inconsistency in crisis management.

We remind you that not all people have a secure salary and the deprivation of the opportunity to perform their work will leave many artists and craftsmen without a livelihood during the holidays, without perspective and without funds in the winter months.

That the Plovdiv City Council does not ignore the fact that private organizations such as “Kapana Fest” EOOD have paid in full all fees for their activities in the “Kovid 2020” season, despite the lower intensity caused by the pandemic, without resort to financial aid or assistance from State institutions. In support of our request, we enclose the request from the “Kapana Christmas Bazaar”, which officially assumes responsibility for compliance with all the requirements imposed by the order “RD-01-677 / 11.25.2020”, of the Minister of Health.

Dear leaders, we are aware of our responsibility to the health of society, because it is our health and that of our loved ones, therefore all exhibitors will wear masks and have disinfectant for personal and customer use. Don’t take away the hope that comes from the next brilliant vacation. We call you, be people, not tyrants. Thank you for your understanding and trust in our work. ”
