Red wine: from pure pleasure to an analgesic


A few drops on the ground improve flower growth and in the mask stimulate blood circulation.

Red wine season has arrived. A glass in the evening in front of the fireplace or during dinner helps with the heart rate, protects against colds, heart attacks and strokes.

If you have old or just excess wine, it can help. With her you can

to diversify

closet and

your daily life

Wine is also a great ingredient in homemade hair and skin masks.

Many natural products are involved in facial care. Wine is not among the most widely used ingredients, but it certainly has a beneficial effect on the skin. The drink of the gods, as it is often called, stimulates blood circulation, rejuvenates and refreshes the skin. If you want to tone your skin and look soft and supple, mix an egg white and a tablespoon of honey with three tablespoons of wine. Apply the resulting mixture for 15 minutes on the face and wash with warm water. For a greater effect, it is good to previously clean your skin, so that the mask acts directly on it. Wash with warm water before applying the mixture, this will open the pores and the ingredients will be absorbed faster. It is preferable that the wine has not been opened for a long time, so as not to lose the polyphenols that are good for the skin and health.

In hectic daily life and stress, in addition to worrying about the existing virus, one needs relief from fatigue.

A bottle of wine poured into a jacuzzi is


wine therapy,

that you can do at home. This will cheer you up and tone you up.

The procedure




dead cells

and extracts toxins. After the wine bath, your skin and spirit will feel rejuvenated, rested and recharged.

Wine is used not only in cosmetics but also in fashion. If you’re wondering how, bring a white T-shirt or scarf, a bottle of wine, and a baking dish. Using rubber bands, tie the garment in several places, place it in a saucepan or saucepan and pour in some wine. Then bake the garment in the oven at 170 degrees for 15 minutes. This will turn boring white fabric into an interesting modern garment with different patterns. Depending on the desired result, you can make different shapes on the garment, as well as control the color of the pattern, from pale pink to dark red.

Wine lovers are probably familiar with its healing properties, but others may be sure of them if they have bruises on the body. A quick and painless way to treat them is to dip a slice of bread in a bowl of red wine. Place the bread on the affected area and cover it with a towel overnight. Wine soothes inflamed tissues and quickly copes with bruises.

The drink of the gods is



in the kitchen

Hosts need to know this trick with the red wine marinade to prepare delicious and tender meat. Beef, lamb or pork, marinated with wine and spices, acquire juiciness and sophistication. You can add hot spices, onions, garlic, soy sauce, honey, and other ingredients to the marinade. Thanks to the wine

the steaks will

have a smooth and

delicate texture,

and you will impress your loved ones with your culinary skills.

Wine can also help in the garden. A small amount of the compost will activate bacteria that break down organic material and turn it into fertilizer. With a few drops on the ground you can enhance flower growth and activate the formation of beneficial bacteria.
