A new absurdity with coronavirus patients! Disabled patients abandoned in a cold corridor



A new absurdity with coronavirus patients. Patients with disabilities, and some of them with COVID-19, waited in the corridor of the Emergency Department of Pernik Hospital. According to eyewitnesses, this happened when the outer door was open and the temperatures were below freezing.

Todor, a 65-year-old invalid with the coronavirus, found himself in this situation a few days ago, according to his positive antigen test. He and the other patients at the hospital for long-term treatment and rehabilitation in Pernik had to be transferred or discharged from there. The reason: RHI quarantines the health center for two weeks. Thus, 12 of the patients are admitted to the Rahila Angelova Hospital Emergency Department. At the scene, relatives are unpleasantly surprised by the sight.

“We found, to put it mildly, an apocalyptic picture. The other patients, who were taken off prophylaxis, were accommodated in the corridor. Some were in a wheelchair, others on a gurney with light clothing. The door was open and doing -7 degrees outside, “he told Nova. TV Associate Prof. Dr. Petko Petkov.

The hospital found no fault with them. The reason for the wait was the large number of patients admitted at the same time.

“They waited in the hall, because when 12 people come, we don’t have places to accommodate them and heat them. Also, the hallway is heated, it’s not that cold. People are wrapped in blankets. We can’t take them to the pavilions. , because it is not known which of them will be hospitalized and which will not ”, commented the director of the MHAT” Rahila Angelova “, Dr. Anatoli Mitov.

Doctors sent Todor for treatment at home. Three of the five doctors at the hospital for rehabilitation treatment tested positive for COVID-19. One with concomitant disease and one after surgery.

“A medical institution without medical personnel cannot function. There is no place for medical personnel to be seconded,” said Pernik Deputy Mayor Stefan Krastev.

Todor’s family members fear the spread of the infection, and not just at home.

“I see a contradiction with the whole ideology at the moment with the limitation of infection. We do the exact opposite: we have a group, we divide it into pieces and we let it do whatever it takes,” concluded Adjunct Professor Petko Petkov.
