Total closure: new measures can remain until spring (SUMMARY)


Drastic measures against the coronavirus in our country. New restrictions and full bans will come into effect on Friday, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov announced.

The proposal of the Minister of Health is to extend the epidemic emergency situation by 4 months. Schools, universities, kindergartens and nurseries are closed for face-to-face classes.

They stop all kinds of sporting events.

The operation of restaurants, non-food stores and shopping centers is suspended.

Kindergartens and nurseries are closing. Schools and universities are connecting. All the stores and large outlets are closing, except for grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, and banks.

The country’s restaurants and cafes stop working. They will only be allowed to offer food at home. Discos and clubs are also closing. Gyms will not work and sporting events will stop.

Excursions and celebrations are prohibited.

The epidemic emergency situation lasts 4 months until March of next year. It is not yet clear how long the emergency measures will last. How long the restrictions will remain in effect will be evaluated each week.

The new measures will be proposed for discussion in the Council of Ministers and will have a minimum validity of three weeks.

“We cannot afford to lose people’s lives. Now is the time to keep our distance while keeping our distance. I will not be the minister who will hand over the efforts of the doctors. My mind and my heart tell me that we must take further action.” said Health Minister Kostadin Angelov.

The proposals have already been discussed with the prime minister, who said that everything the state does should be done with care.

“I took it hard and I still cannot recover, I still feel very affected. On the one hand we have the hospitals, the medical personnel who are exhausted, who do heroics, on the other hand we have the public opinion that thinks it will pass or pass easily. We must not exaggerate with any measure, we must not worry people with any measure, because immobility, staying at home purely affects their psyche. And we must be able to explain to those who are healthy why they have to observe again, because they are carriers, ”said the Prime Minister.

For now, there will be no checkpoints or travel bans between cities.

“We are not imposing a blockade, we believe that together we will impose it. In this way, each of you will become a doctor and a nurse. So you too will become heroes in your homes. It is time to come together in the name of life. Even if we think differently, even if we are afraid of our income, we are obliged to make this effort to support our compatriots. Because only living and healthy people can lift a country, in any crisis, “said the Minister of Health, Kostadin Angelov.

The state will do everything possible to control the situation, but the first results can be expected in at least two weeks.

Photo: Ladislav Tsvetkov

“The incidence in our country has increased by 102.7% weekly, now there are three districts with more than 1,000 patients per 100,000 inhabitants: Gabrovo, Kyustendil and the city of Sofia”, said the Chief Inspector of State Health, Prof Angel Kunchev.

The directors of large hospitals explained that the pressure on the health system is enormous.

Photo: Ladislav Tsvetkov

“It is very busy, more than 2,000 doctors are infected,” said Pirogov director Asen Baltov.

“In the front line we have all kinds of colleagues, including psychiatrists, our doctors have not returned for more than a month,” said the head of the Alexandrovska Hospital Boris Bogov.

Photo: Ladislav Tsvetkov

“There was great interest in re-infecting 4 colleagues between 5 and 8 months, two with mild symptoms and two with severe symptoms,” said Gen. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski.

Inspections by the health authorities and the Interior Ministry revealed drastic violations in the capital’s establishments over the weekend.

Inspectors and policemen entered 24 establishments, 8 of them were sanctioned and some received closure orders.
