There is no chaos, there is no order. Or why die so bad


Dimitrana Alexandrova PHOTO: ARCHIVE

Yordan Nedev is another patient who died after wandering around hospitals. According to his son, these days they are waiting for an official opinion from the health authorities.

But Kalin Karapachov died 3 days ago in Burgas. Today there is already an official opinion. How and why the 36-year-old man died: here is data taken only from the direction of UMHAT Burgas to the media:

– The patient arrives with a referral to be treated for pneumonia and with a negative covid test at UMBAL Burgas. There is no clinical pathway to treat pneumonia without coronavirus. Kalin is referred to Lung Hospital.

– The pulmonary hospital usually treats common pneumonia. But now there are no places, because most of the beds are for patients with coronavirus. They send Kalin.

– That same night Kalin was transferred back to UMBAL Burgas with severe respiratory failure. They do an antigen test, it’s already positive. They are also doing a PCR test, but the results will be ready the next day. Kalin needs to be admitted to intensive care. There are no places in intensive care at UMBAL Burgas. Thank God they didn’t fire him. The hospital called the District Health Inspectorate to find a place in intensive care.

– RHI finds a place in the hospital in the district “Meden Rudnik”. From there, they initially refused to accept it because there were no results from the PCR test. So they tend to accept it.

– An ambulance leaves with Kalin for “Meden Rudnik” in the late hours of the night. Kalin is dying.

Similarly, briefly, only with facts from official statements, the background of the death of the two patients in Plovdiv last week can be told. Or, thank goodness, the living pregnant woman from Varna, unwrapped because she has a covid. And others who are in the media every day.

But it is not necessary. To the non-judgmental reader, the conclusion is clear: there is no chaos exactly as the rulers say. There is simply a lack of organization.
