I lost my father to a doctor from the Plovdiv District Hospital!


© Plovdiv24.bg

A reader of Plovdiv24.bg contacted the editorial office of our media about one of the most pressing issues recently: health in our country, and in particular, in Plovdiv. We give him the floor and publish the text without editorial intervention:

Hello, I am contacting you to request assistance. I am very shocked by what is happening in the country and especially in Plovdiv these days. Despite the pain, I gathered my strength and decided to share, because if no one takes action, things will get out of hand. My father Yordan Nedev died on November 17, 2020. taken from hospital to hospital. I’ll start with my story.

My name is Nikolay Nedev and I am the son of the late Yordan Nedev, 70 years old from the city of Stamboliyski. My father had heart disease and sleep apnea. His condition worsened on November 12, and our family called an ambulance. He was taken to St. George University Hospital – Surgeries in Peshtersko Shosse. Where they did the test and 2 rapid tests for coronavirus, both negative. My father stays in the emergency room from 11 am to 6 pm My mother asked what was wrong and why he was waiting so long and they replied that they were looking for a place to receive him. From there, due to lack of space after a conversation with the Regional Coordination Center, he was referred for admission to the Plovdiv Hospital, this occurs after 6 pm with respiratory distress and oxygen saturation of 70%, since the normal values ​​are above 95%. Three doctors began to examine him again with headphones.

A doctor at the District Hospital refused to accept it and advised him to buy a breathing apparatus. Dr. Daniela Belova told her that although she accepted it, the path was such that in 4 days she would discharge you under the same conditions and I had to buy a respiratory device. Although the documents from St. George’s Hospital said it was for admission, the doctor did not accept it, my father was sent home again and of course his condition worsened. We called her personal physician and she and her husband, who is a cardiologist, were outraged that my father was not admitted to the hospital with such indicators. At 10:30 p.m. we took him home to Stamboliyski.

Meanwhile, it continued to deteriorate. My father could live, but the doctors did nothing and for the precious 24 hours he was relaxing us. The next day, November 13, we again called an ambulance. They took him back to Peshtersko Shosse Surgeries. From there they refused admission and gave us a document without a stamp and signature indicating that he was with Kovid, and they did not do a PCR test. They insisted we take him to Infectious Diseases. Again to the GP, who tells us: “He has no fever, he has two negative rapid tests and if you put him in Infectious among the infected, you will lose him in hours.” The ambulance doctor called RHI and explained that my father had two negative tests and that the document that was with Kovid had neither a signature nor a stamp. The ambulance doctor suggested that we take him to Ivan Rilski Hospital, where he was already admitted, but his saturation was 40% and in serious condition, and on the second day they told us that my father had died.

We have no complaints, we even thank the doctors at St. George University Hospital for their attitude, but the District doctor is to blame for my father’s death. If the doctor at Plovdiv University Hospital had admitted him to the hospital on the first day and given him the help he needed, he could have been alive.

We plan to consult with a lawyer as well as the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee and will file a lawsuit.

In the 21st century, that attitude towards people is absurd. You cannot pay for your health insurance your entire life and not get medical help. And let you die, taken from hospital to hospital. What is this chaos in the health system? People who have other diseases and do not have Kovid, where to receive treatment? “
