A young man with coronavirus died after hours wandering through hospitals in Burgas


Kalin Karapachov, 36, staff: BNT

A young man in Burgas died after a long hiatus between various hospitals. He was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia, but after his death he was diagnosed with coronavirus, BNT reported.

The man did not receive emergency medical attention because his coronavirus test was initially negative.

The patient was referred to various hospitals and waited hours to be admitted, and when this finally happened, it was too late and they couldn’t save him.

Kalin Karapachov, 36, was initially treated at his home in Obzor. However, in the middle of last week, his condition deteriorated drastically: he began to breathe with difficulty and called an ambulance. Kalin’s mother said they did not get out of the ambulance for almost an hour, so the family used their own transportation.

“When we got here we went directly to the GP. He was already almost bruised and with difficulty breathing. They tried to help him. They immediately gave him intravenous calcium gluconate, they gave him Urbazon. They gave us documents to take a photo,” said Ginka Karapachova. mother of the patient.

After the photo, it became clear that Kalin had severe bilateral bronchopneumonia. With the completed documents they went to the Burgas Hospital Emergency Service.

“There’s a nurse in the waiting room who brought us back. She said we weren’t there. She didn’t even look at her documents. She just measured her blood oxygen content in the car because she couldn’t get out. He said it’s 94 and we are for TUBA ”, shares Ginka Karapachova.

The young man came here to the Emergency Department at the state hospital. However, the medical institution explained to us that they had not accepted the patient for treatment, as there was no clinical pathway for pneumonia patients for years.

A rapid coronavirus test was also done, which came back negative. For this, the patient was referred to the Pulmonary Hospital. However, he was also not accepted for treatment there. The management of the health institution will review the case, but complained of a serious lack of beds for patients.

“Unfortunately, our beds were occupied by COVID and they closed more than 50% of the beds in Burgas. The only ones we did were COVID and of course there will be a problem with caring for other people ”, explained Dr. Evelina. Troshanova, manager of the Lung Hospital – Burgas.

After 4 hours of waiting, the man was admitted for treatment at the Meden Rudnik complex hospital, where he died.

“But it was too late. This time, this whole day that we lost, my son lost. Do you understand? I hope there are no other similar cases,” said Ginka Karapachova.

And after Kalin’s death, her family learned that after a third COVID-19 test, her test came back positive.
