Important for masks in buses, offices and schools!



What masks to wear and in which cases? The problem is important and sometimes it saves lives.

In the BNR column of “Our Day” “Safe Every Day”, Professor Todor Kantardzhiev, Director of the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, gives instructions:

There is currently access to three types of masks. Some are made of fabric, some are even made at home. The second class are the so-called “surgical masks” (medical). And third, these are masks with a very high degree of protection: these are masks that are primarily for people who work with patients who work in laboratories with infectious coronavirus material.

First, it is clear to any well-meaning and educated person that the mask protects. Second, the scientific fact is that the mask does not protect 100%. In addition to the mask, the distance must be observed, one must not shout, not gather too many people. Always wear the mask indoors … “

By public transport

“The medical mask fully complies with the requirements of the anti-epidemic measures. In public transport, if everyone wears a mask but uses it correctly, the probability of infection is minimized. Intolerance of people who use their masks incorrectly should be encouraged from the outside, and to people who show disrespect for others and do not wear masks, who do not risk their own health as much as that of others.

Undisciplined and uneducated people should be punished or there should simply be public intolerance towards them, because they pose a risk to public health ”, Professor Kantardjiev is categorical.

The control

The control is a commitment of public transport to organize hygienic measures during transport, since in trains it is a commitment of BDZ ”.

In the offices

“In the offices, the health-conscious or the employer will give money (1000-2000 BGN) for a device that segregates the air, if more than two people work in a room. This is a device called ‘cold sterilization of the air “with UV-C light *. Just a device that passes the air in the room through pipes, where UV-C light kills all microorganisms, including mold spores, bacteria and coronaviruses. Second, in offices where more than two people work, it is good to open the window briefly every 1 hour and 5 minutes to change the air. Distance is also important. “

Protective plexiglass screens

“This is a very good solution to reduce the risk of infection. Especially for places where many people are received or visitors are received (shops, etc.)”.

In schools

“Let’s say to the mothers: it is good to change them every two or three hours when wearing the masks. It is better to have the masks of a different color and know for hours what masks they are wearing. This is a good idea, because the surgical mask after 2-3 hours of hydration has lost some of its protective properties.

The most important thing is not to be afraid, to take the challenge seriously and soberly, ”appealed Professor Kantardzhiev.

* The UV-C bactericidal lamp destroys all harmful microorganisms acting antibacterial, without chemicals or side effects. Ultraviolet (UV) light is invisible to the human eye and is divided into UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C.

The lamp works with UV-C light, generates ozone and effectively destroys viruses and bacteria by penetrating the cell membrane of bacteria and breaking down DNA and RNA molecules, preventing their reproduction.

The bactericidal lamp is an effective tool for the disinfection and destruction of the coronavirus.
