Officially for all schools in Plovdiv and the region: End of distance learning!



At the suggestion of RIE Plovdiv director Ivanka Kirkova, the Regional Crisis Staff gradually decided from Monday that 5th-12th grade students will start school in a physical setting, and each director should prepare a schedule for their school for the face-to-face education and absent until Christmas. The proposal and the decision are in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education and the algorithm developed by Minister Krassimir Valchev. The solution is for all schools in Plovdiv and the region.

School principals are notified and must submit a schedule by 18, 11, 2020, which must be consistent with the school’s details and the epidemic situation.

“By the end of tomorrow, there should be clarity for each school and for which classes distance learning is organized in an electronic environment,” explained the head of RIE.

The RWB will monitor the process, indicate the methodological support, as well as carry out the necessary control. According to Ivanka Kirkova, the Ministry of Education and Science has provided three options to organize the learning process, but the options can be much more and adapted to the specific situation in school, absent teachers and their weekly employment and the opinion of the students. parents to find the right solution for each school in the zone. According to her, it is even possible to change the weekly schedule, because the Ministry of Education and Science has provided enough freedom for decision-making by the directors.

“The situation at the moment is difficult for everyone, but children cannot be locked up at home until spring. This is detrimental to their physical and mental health. Of course, in positive cases the algorithm and instructions of the Ministry of Health”. The organization in schools should be for the benefit of children and the learning process as a whole, and it is up to the principals to make the best judgment; for example, it is very important that children in preparatory classes in language schools learn in person. because this is one of the most important years, ”commented the district governor and staff president.
