The government is considering legal changes in cases of infection by COVID-19 – Policy


Notification of isolation or quarantine placement due to COVID-19 and other communicable diseases can be done by phone or via text messages and emails. This is provided by the changes in the Health Law, introduced by the president of GERB and the Health Commission, Daniela Daritkova.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 15122

The prescription will be issued by the holder of the respective Regional Health Inspection, as before, but the requirement to be at the suggestion of the treating physician is eliminated. The duration will be determined by order of the Minister of Health at the proposal of the Chief Inspector of Health of the State. Contact persons will not have the right to refuse an examination to establish the carrier of a contagious disease.

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The current legal provision also stipulates that patients infected with COVID-19 and other dangerous diseases are subject to “mandatory isolation and / or hospital treatment.” With the changes, “hospital treatment” is abolished.

The surprising changes introduced on Friday refer to the recognition of a fact that is highly indicative of our entire healthcare system: that we currently do not have enough beds to treat COVID-19 patients. Now only the isolation remains, that is. hospital treatment is not mandatory, said BSP deputy Georgi Yordanov.

The changes also stipulate that during a declared state of emergency or state of emergency due to an epidemic, as well as up to three months after its expiration, the Minister of Health may prohibit the export of specific drugs.

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Before the Bulgarian National Radio, the president of the BMA, Dr. Ivan Madjarov, announced that the Union was preparing an opinion, which would be sent to the parliament tomorrow.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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