If you want to be healthy, the windows in your home must be …


We all want to be healthy, but to achieve this we must take care of ourselves. So, in addition to getting rid of bad habits, being careful about what we eat and doing sports, we must also pay attention to where we live.

It turns out that our house can become our biggest problem if we don’t maintain it properly. For example, according to the environmental expert, director of the laboratory “Ecology of living space” Anton Yastrebtsev we must pay close attention to windows.

The expert points out that dirty windows have a negative impact on health. They should be washed at least twice a year.

“It is not so much about disinfecting the room as it is about sunstroke, because the brighter the room, the better a person feels. If the windows are dirty, the less light will penetrate through them and that is a big problem.” specialist.

Additionally, there is a link between human health and the black dirt that accumulates on windows. May contain carcinogens, especially if the windows face a busy street. A gust of wind can carry this dirt into the room and into people’s lungs, so they should be washed as often as possible.

It should be remembered that the composition of the powder is different in summer and winter. In summer, this is usually pollen that many are allergic to, lint, and other plant-based pollutants. In winter, soot and chloride accumulate more.

“You need to wash both in summer and winter. It is better to wash with special detergents ”, said the expert.

Doctors remember the benefits of ventilation. The fact is that against the background of insufficient ventilation, a person can suffer from oxygen starvation.

Substances like ammonia, methane, and aldehydes also accumulate in an unventilated room. Scientists have calculated that a total of up to 400 different types of such components can be collected from the air. They all cause drowsiness, reduced effectiveness, feelings of constant fatigue and headaches, writes zdrave.to.
