Krasen Kralev: this is a complete disgrace – BG Football – efbet League


Youth and Sports Minister Krasen Kralev commented on the postponement of the congress for a new president of the Bulgarian Football Union and the changes to be made by the future head of the football headquarters. He also cited the Sofia Open 2020 and its organization during the pandemic as an example.

“Each country has chosen its own path. It was clear that the liberal measures imposed in Sweden did not help them much. At the moment, the diffuse spread of the disease there continues, showing that our government has made the right decision. We were the first to toughen measures when necessary. This gave the health system the opportunity to prepare when the disease was still unknown, and now doctors are extremely competent and ready to deal with the situation, and a lockdown will not help to minimize the incidence in this case, the real problem is that there is still no single global treatment protocol, ”said the minister, who personally carried the virus.

Kralev attacked the opposition over accusations in recent months that there was no infection and that COVID-19 was nothing serious.

“Society is divided on the measures we have to take. This is no coincidence. The opposition has been claiming for 8 months that it is a fictitious disease, that it is a global conspiracy aimed at keeping our mouths shut. The masks were burning, The president with a On March 3 congratulated the party of all those who do not believe in the manipulation of viruses and strains. This is a shame. imposed by the Ministry of Health, the damage would be much less, but this public distrust of the severity of the pandemic, which was instilled slowly and methodically every day by the opposition and during the protests, raised these doubts among Bulgarians as to whether the measures were.Now we see the opposite: when you look at the severity of the disease and it has started diffuse propagation, an extreme discipline is observed in x that understood the seriousness of the situation ”, he continued.

“It is too early to make predictions, because this disease is still unknown. For now, the methods of dealing with the disease are clearer. I agree that there are some reservations in pre-hospital care, that’s where we need to focus. GPs must be a little more prepared on this issue and follow a unique protocol in case their patient presents a complaint of this type, we have a large number of cured, which shows that doctors are prepared and know how to deal with the disease. There is the problem of not understanding the role of hospital and pre-hospital care, because everyone who feels that there is a problem seeks hospital care, but not all patients really need it, many people could be treated at home. great confidence of the doctors ”, indicated the person in charge of the Bulgarian sport.

“The situation in tennis is radically different from that of football. The players are in a bubble and are completely protected. The public does not shout like stadiums either, but rather it is like a theater, at the right distance. The Sofia Open it can serve as an example of how it can be safe at sporting events, “he added.

Regarding the postponed BFU Congress:

“This is perfectly fine. It is more important to see a clash of ideas and proposals for reforms in football. The future president of the football union may propose a change in work in schools. There must be a change in refereeing. We have good ones. young boys”. footballers, but their talent should not be wasted, but used correctly, “Krasen Kralev told BNT.

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