Important! SRZI distributed a PROTOCOL that all those infected with K-19 must follow


The Sofia Regional Health Inspectorate published on its website a protocol for the behavior of citizens in case of a positive result of a PCR test for COVID-19.

There are six steps a person should take once they know they have an established coronavirus. A person who tested positive for COVID-19 was immediately isolated and placed in home quarantine for 14 days.

First contact persons who have had unprotected contact with the infected person at a distance of less than 2 meters and for more than 15 minutes or without wearing a protective mask are isolated and placed in home quarantine for 10 days:

two days prior to the occurrence of the complaints, or

– two days before sampling for PCR in asymptomatic carriers

– after the expiration of the quarantine, no control examination is carried out.

– medical observation is carried out by the family doctor

– the personal doctor provides methodological assistance to all the people on his patient list according to the measures to be observed – long-term ventilation, wet cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, premises and essential elements, personal protective equipment, compliance with home insulation.

– The GP provides treatment and assistance for hospitalization in case of need, through the teams of the emergency center and the COVID Coordination Center.

See the steps HERE!
