The GERB bill eliminates the obligation of hospital treatment of the coronavirus – Policy


A GERB bill eliminates the obligation of hospital treatment for coronavirus

© Julia Lazarova

The GERB bill eliminates the texts of the Health Law, which regulate the hospital treatment of those infected by coronavirus. These are changes introduced on Friday afternoon by the president of the health committee in parliament and director of the GERB group, Daniela Daritkova.

It is proposed that the current law remove the wording that patients with infectious diseases, incl. and COVID-19 are subject to “mandatory isolation and / or hospital treatment.” The project foresees that only “mandatory isolation” remains. Darikova’s motive – “clarification of the provisions on the existing requirement for compulsory hospital treatment.”

At the moment, the law does not regulate when a person infected with coronavirus is subjected to hospital treatment, and this is done by order of the Minister of Health, which is based on the law. According to the latest one, issued on October 22 of this year, patients with dyspnea and shortness of breath, those infected over 60 years of age, and the chronically ill are subject to “mandatory isolation and / or hospital treatment.”

In addition to the sharp increase in newly infected people, several cases are already known in which coronavirus patients wait hours in ambulances or go to hospitals to be admitted. According to health authorities, as of November 12, on average, about 30 percent of COVID beds are occupied in the country. There are 4,768 hospitalized patients, 284 of whom are in intensive care units. On Thursday in parliament, Health Minister Professor Kostadin Angelov announced that the country is on the brink of a shakeup, in which some hospitals will treat only the coronavirus.

The proposed changes provide for the possibility that regional health inspections can enforce quarantine by phone, text message or email. This was demanded by the Sofia health inspectors, who are currently very busy and must bring the quarantine prescriptions to the management.

It is proposed that even in an epidemic emergency situation, the Minister of Health may impose a ban on the export of medicines to meet the country’s needs. The sanction for offenders will be 50 to 100 thousand BGN, and in the case of repeated violation, 100 to 150 thousand BGN.
