285,000 retirees who work cannot buy


Only young people can enter the store outside the hours 8 and 10 in the morning. PHOTO: Nikolay Litov

A doctor from Veliko Tarnovo was denied treatment due to his old age

Tip from lawyers: The employer must give a note so that these people can enter the stores at any time.

The Ministry of Health seems to be in favor of such a discount

285 thousand hardworking retirees were left without the opportunity to buy due to the order of the Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov, which introduces “green corridors” for the elderly.

The order was issued late Wednesday night and introduced business hours for people 65 and older. They will be allowed in stores and pharmacies only between 8 and 10 in the morning. This is also the big difference with the “green corridors” introduced in the spring during the state of emergency. At that time, young people were not allowed into stores during the “green corridor”, but adults could shop at any other time.

The ugly scenes with the elderly thrown out of the shops began on Thursday, the first day that the minister’s new order comes into force.

A doctor from Veliko Tarnovo was denied shopping at a grocery store after 3 pm Thursday, the woman told 24 Chasa.

They explained that the order of a ‘green corridor’ for retirees is already in force and I have the right to buy bread and milk only between 8 and 10 at night. This is the time when I am in the hospital, making visits, examining patients, ”explained the doctor, who asked not to give her name. according to her

the ban should

be corrected

according to


And the reality is that the average age in most hospitals of doctors is between 55 and 70 years. Retired physicians on the front lines have now returned in many places. According to her, people of retirement age not only work in health, but also in various fields.

Security guards, teachers and even vendors also complained to 24 Chasa’s editorial office on Thursday. It turned out that older people who work in retail establishments may be working outside the “green corridor” from 8 to 10 a.m., but they cannot enter a store or pharmacy as customers.

Veliko Tarnovo’s doctor has consulted with lawyers, who suggest that working retirees have a document with which to “walk” through the hallways and buy the basics. According to unofficial information from “24 Chasa”, the Ministry of Health is inclined to show flexibility in this direction. And it was very likely that benefits for working retirees would be introduced in the coming days.

The decision to have an adults-only “green corridor” from 8 to 10 in the morning is unreasonable and will make it difficult for retirees to work. I am a teacher and I am in class every morning before 7 o’clock. I’m at school until 1 p.m. M. Based on the new order, I can only shop on weekends when I’m not working. In a rush to embrace major religions, the fact that there are also retirees who work has probably been overlooked. ”So put it one woman, slightly older than 65, bitter about the new order.

Unlike the spring, when this “green corridor” was recommended, the order now has the word “only”, which irritates the elderly instead of making them happy. Minister Kostadin Angelov in yesterday’s briefing said that

in case of deterioration

of time

they can


hours of this


A week ago, an 80-year-old woman suggested that from 2 pm to 4 pm she be the so-called green hall.

We are entering winter, in the early hours of the morning there is fog, ice and the movement of risk groups becomes even more risky for another emergency, for example, injuries. In the afternoon there is more sun, the fog rises, the ice melts and there are fewer young people on the streets, he argues.

Seniors across the country are also packing so that fresh produce wasn’t loaded so early in many of the stores.
