A volunteer committed suicide after being vaccinated against COVID-19 – Latin America


Brazilian police say the cause of death for one of the volunteers who tested the Chinese conoronavirus vaccine was suicide.

Recall that this Monday, the health authorities of the South American country temporarily suspended clinical trials of the vaccine after it became clear that one of the patients had a “serious side effect”, without giving further details.

Trials of a Chinese vaccine against COVID-19 have been suspended in Brazil

The Bhutan Institute in Sao Paulo, which is involved in developing the vaccine in Brazil, was shocked by the volunteer’s decision to end his life shortly after participating in the tests, but emphatically stated that there was absolutely nothing between the tragic incident and the vaccine. Connection. Local city authorities also stressed that it was “impossible to find any connection between the two events.”

The 32-year-old man was found dead in the bathroom of his apartment with a syringe and several vials of drugs near one of his hands, reports local information channel G1. The results of the young man’s autopsy are not yet ready.

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The director of the Butantan Institute, Divas Kovas, admitted to the media that the incident was a great tragedy, but also assured that it was a suicide, which is not in the least related to the vaccine, and stressed that there is no reason to clinical trials. be stopped.

The man died because he committed suicide, not because of the adverse effects of the vaccine. You understand that these are two different things, right? Yes, we are puzzled by the decision of such a young man to take his own life, but I will repeat that the vaccine has nothing to do with it, Covas said in a television interview, adding that there are more than 10,000 volunteers of all ages. and someone else to die under any circumstances.
