New measures starting November 12: Adults will only buy between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.


From November 12 to November 30, additional measures against the epidemic are being introduced in the country, announced the Ministry of Health.

It is clear from the order that people over 65 will only be able to visit grocery stores and pharmacies between 8 and 10 o’clock. People under 65 are not allowed during these hours.

Here are the other measures introduced by order of the Minister:

– Attended classes (including internships, internships, subcontracted classes, exams, dual education system, etc.) for students from fifth to twelfth grade in areas with a morbidity of 14 days above 119.9 per 100,000 inhabitants and 15% absent for reasons related to the appearance of COVID-19 symptoms, by students who perform face-to-face training during the period 4-11.11.2020. The decision to move to distance education in an electronic environment is made by the Minister of Education and Science under the conditions and by order of art. 105, para. 6 and 115a, para. 1, 4 and 5 of the Preschool and School Education Law.

– Performing in the presence of group extracurricular activities and activities, activities of interest, activities and others is allowed only for schools and classes that carry out face-to-face training.

– The present group classes in the personal development support centers are terminated, except those that are organized in a way that does not allow the mixing of children from different classes / groups.

– The current learning process in higher schools is terminated, with the exception of practical exercises, which cannot be carried out remotely in an electronic environment. Exceptions are allowed for practical exercises in clinical disciplines, teaching practice (clinical internship), undergraduate internships and state examinations of students in regulated medical professions in the professional fields of “Medicine”, “Dental Medicine” and “Healthcare”, as well as state tests. for the acquisition of a specialty in the health system, in strict compliance with the infection prevention and control measures according to Ordinance No. 3 of 2013 on the approval of a medical standard for the prevention and control of nosocomial infections.

– All catering and entertainment establishments (restaurants, fast food establishments, drinking establishments, cafes and bars, with the exception of those included in point 9) can only operate between 06:00 and 23:30. During the rest of the day, only home deliveries are allowed.

– Grocery stores and pharmacies organize their work by admitting people over 65 years of age to the respective sites only between 8.00 and 10. People under 65 are not allowed at the specified hours.

– Minors can visit shopping centers, including shopping centers, only if they are accompanied by their parents, guardians or another adult.

– The planned admission and planned operational activity in hospital medical care facilities and complex cancer centers is suspended, except for activities related to organ, tissue and cell transplantation, diagnosis and treatment of patients with oncological and oncohematological diseases , activities on assisted reproduction and childbirth, regardless of the method of delivery, rehabilitation activities, long-term treatment and psychiatric care.

According to item 3 of Order No. RD-01-439 of 07.27.2020, the directors of the regional health inspections take actions and apply measures to the medical establishments of hospital care and complex cancer centers in the territory of the district respective, determining a mandatory number. beds for the treatment of patients with primary or concomitant infection by SARS-CoV-2 of not less than 20% of the number of beds announced in the respective regional health inspection of each medical institution for hospital care and complex oncology center.
