Angelov: There is no understanding of the measures, a new closure will take people to the streets


The Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov

Fear is not a reason to go to the hospital, the pressure is avalanche, said the Minister of Health.

By the end of this week, a large number of rapid antigen tests will enter the healthcare system during RHIs, Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov told BNR.

This is expected to happen when 300 people get sick for every 100 thousand inhabitants, in what situation we find ourselves now. A decision at the European level on rapid antigen tests and whether they will be equivalent to PCR tests is pending by November 18. That is why our experts will stand by their final decision, Angelov explained.

At the moment, with the diffuse spread of the virus, the lockdown will have no effect, the minister said.

According to him, at this time society does not understand the observance of the measures and if it closes, it will take people to the streets and the opposite effect may occur.

When asked why restaurants stay open until 11.30pm, Kostadin Angelov commented:

“During the previous shutdown in the country, when there was an almost complete shutdown, we had extremely serious accusations against us that we had damaged the mental health of Bulgarians. Close the country completely, deprive people of the opportunity for some kind of social life … In strict compliance with anti-epidemic measures, number of people sitting at a table, with a distance between seats back to back, wearing masks by staff, wearing gloves – subject to these measures, the risk of spreading the virus is minimal. “

It’s different in nightclubs – there’s a crowd and a lack of distance, so they stay closed, Kostadin Angelov added.

The data on the development of the epidemic situation are monitored dynamically for a period of two weeks, then the conclusions are made, said Professor Angelov and recalled that there is inopportune delivery of data to the system and delays in filling, which is due to subjective factors.

During the summer, there was intensive training in various areas: accommodation, personnel, equipment, personal protective equipment, strengthening the entire health system, said the Minister of Health.

Our mortality is not in the first places in Europe, which means that the capacity of the health system is still good, said Professor Angelov in the program “Before everything”.

“When we have 150 patients for every 100,000, we do certain things.” When we have 300 patients for every 100,000, we do certain things, “he said.

Should Covid sectors in clinics have been revealed earlier?

“Everything you see right now is cooking in the summer. The point is that there was no pressure in the system during the summer and these beds were available but they were occupied by other patients. And now that the pressure in the system is like a ball of avalanche in the literal sense of the word, this system cannot withstand that pressure. There are more than 560 calls per shift in Sofia. An address to which we have to send an ambulance drops in 40 seconds. “

People are losing mental resilience and everyone wants to go to a medical institution, which is not necessary, Minister Angelov said.

There are beds for the 20 percent with a positive test for coronavirus and a pronounced clinical picture, Kostadin Angelov said. Fear cannot be a reason for hospitalization, the objective evaluation of the doctor is important. “The main thing right now is not people’s rational thinking, the main thing is people’s anxiety and fear.”

According to Professor Angelov, the cases shown in the media of people who do not receive adequate medical care are “less than 0.003% of all cases”.

People stock up on medicines, buy 4 packages of antibiotics, said the Minister of Health. Today there will be a meeting to defend against this accumulation process, he said.

“Every doctor who has an infectious disease (specialty – editor’s note) must be involved in the battle we are waging. Everyone must be in solidarity”, stressed Prof. Kostadin Angelov regarding the appointment of Associate Prof. Atanas Mangarov as Head of the Covid Clinic at the Infectious Diseases Hospital of Sofia. “Assoc. Mangarov is the director of the Pediatric Clinic. He does not go to the hospital inside patients without a mask. He has no problem with that, he wears a mask, he wears gloves.” We need all the professionals in this clinic, added Angelov. .
