Prof. Ivo Petrov with advice on how to act in case of coronavirus infection – Diseases


COVID-19 beds have doubled in many hospitals, including municipal ones. It can be said that municipal hospitals participate very actively. Additionally, it was recently decided that outpatient facilities will play the triage role for patients with coronavirus symptoms. This was said in the morning block of BNT by cardiologist Prof. Ivo Petrov.

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Sofia hospitals can provide many beds, perhaps ten times the current capacity. However, it is not only the bed capacity that matters, but also the staff. Not all doctors have encountered the cronavirus, we learn in progress. It is necessary that medical establishments have medicines and above all personnel, he stressed.

Now we know much more about the pathology, about the different phases of treatment. Treatment should be directed by a doctor, no medication should be taken preventively. The specific phase of the disease requires specific measures. These phases need to be evaluated by a doctor, even if it happens online, Professor Petrov said.

4,390 are newly infected with coronavirus in our country, 80 have died

He explained that he did not recommend going to the hospital for mild symptoms. In the initial stages, a person can consult their doctor over the phone and start with the general initial measures that are applied for colds: suppressing the temperature and supporting the immune system, such as vitamin D, selenium and zinc. If the patient has more and more shortness of breath and cough, he should resort to triage disclosed in health facilities, said Professor Ivo Petrov.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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