Maya Manolova and the “Poison Trio” with a protest action “Beds don’t heal alone” (gallery)


With campaign beds, aprons hanging from a hanger and a telephone giving a free but unanswered “Poison Trio” and the initiative of the former ombudsman Maya Manolova, they protested in front of the Council of Ministers for the lack of response from the government epidemic.

According to Maya Manolova, the Boyko Borissov government has let the people deal with the Covid crisis on their own: find an ambulance, ventilator, PCR test kit, blood plasma.

“The government and Borissov played a rejection. Boyko resigned and defected from the front lines of the battle with the Covid crisis, leaving the doctors and nurses to their fate,” he said. According to her, the cabinet has transferred responsibility to the local headquarters and the measures it is taking are too late.

“We insist on providing free PCR tests for anyone who needs them. We demand an increase in the cost of the COVID-19 clinical pathway, sufficient incentives for GPs and GPs. Not just promises, but real money for We insist that the electronic system – electronic prescription, electronic file, electronic hospital finally becomes a fact, after what was promised 8 months ago. We insist that officials be assigned to the regional health inspections, so that those who have been in contact with infected people can be traced and quarantined, “Manolova said. He insisted that private hospitals be involved in the fight against the pandemic, as well as that the State provide sufficient financial resources for the social care of the elderly who are in quarantine.

The counter-protesters also reached the Council of Ministers, booed Manolova and declared her a failed policy, part of the tripartite coalition.

According to Professor Velislav Minekov of the Poison Trio, the rulers are blinded and their only goal is power at all costs. According to him, this is the reason why the government constantly allocates money in an attempt to stay in power.

“They give 80 million BGN. We hope that at least half of them have not been stolen, but they forget that this is a system that was destroyed in the last 10 years: medical care, health insurance fund, all of this was buried. And we would build a hospital for only BGN 100 million. As of yesterday, we have BGN 80 million to increase salaries, “he said.

A protest is scheduled for tomorrow in front of the Ministry of Health of the ABV party, which will be attended by the specialist in pediatric infectious diseases Assoc. Prof. Atanas Mangarov, a leading critic of the state line in the fight against coronavirus.

The protest is against “inappropriate measures and decisions imposed by the government in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic,” the party said.

The ABC insists on “respecting the real restrictions that are in favor of fighting the pandemic, and not extracting political dividends and causing panic.”
