Borisov in injections after 15 days with COVID


Prime Minister Boyko Borissov is still sick with COVID-19.

A post on Facebook on Monday said his voice was hoarse, he had difficulty breathing and coughing. He refused to go to the hospital

Boyko Borissov is still sick with COVID-19 and has not cleared the virus, although it has been 14 days since he was infected.

This was learned “24 hours” unofficially by members of the Prime Minister’s team. There is no official information yet.

A Borisov PCR test was performed again on Sunday, which again gave a positive result. Another new sample was taken Monday morning before the online government meeting.

Boyko Borissov announced that he was infected with a coronavirus on Sunday, October 25. Since then he has been treated at the Prime Minister’s villa in Boyana, and is reported to be being cared for by a GP.

The virus often clears up after more than 20 to 30 days and is not so scary, said doctors who work with people infected with COVID every day. What is more worrying, however, is that the prime minister’s condition deteriorated late last week. The change can be heard in the Prime Minister’s Facebook listings for days and hours, this Monday. His voice is hoarse, he has difficulty breathing, and he has a cough.

The reason for the infection, which lasted 14 days, was that at the beginning of the illness, Borisov refused to be admitted to hospital for more specialized care. At the moment, specialists are already taking care of him, infusing him with systems and giving him injections.

Unlike the prime minister, BSP leader Cornelia Ninova decided to be hospitalized as soon as it became clear that she was infected. She was admitted to the Military Medical Academy on October 30, she was included in the systems. And after less than a week of treatment, doctors sent her home to recover.

Do not tell me that

taking care of

people we buy

fight, scold

the first Minister of the opposition

The Prime Minister ordered hospitals: That complicated patients be taken to 100%

“Dear opposition gentlemen, you cannot tell me that I want to buy the elections after we take care of the people. For years, I really liked fiscal discipline. But now we have to save the people and the economy. “

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov made a blunt comment to the opposition parties on Monday at the extraordinary session of the Council of Ministers. Images of his words were also uploaded to his Facebook page.

The meeting took place online, as Borissov is still suffering from a coronavirus.

“Those who have not yet encountered the virus, especially the younger ones, have to keep their distance, wear masks, but keep working. And for those of us who have deteriorated, hospitals must be 100% prepared to take care of them. The problem it is how to distinguish people who have transmitted the disease so that they can also work, “Borissov told his ministers.

The government allocated an additional BGN 81 million to the health system on Monday.

Large hospitals, which have to reserve half of their available beds for coronavirus patients, will receive BGN 50 million, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov reported at the government meeting. These are the large, so-called structural hospitals like the Military Medical Academy, Pirogov, and the university hospitals. For other health facilities, the requirement is to reserve 20% of their beds for the treatment of patients with COVID-19.

Until now, hospitals had to maintain double the capacity of these patients, but the incidence has reached 300 people per 100,000 inhabitants and it is necessary to strengthen the system, explained the Minister of Health.

The additional money for hospitals should be enough to maintain the increased capacity in November and December, Angelov explained.

BGN 15 million is given for the purchase of rapid antigen tests. With them, in 10-30 minutes, it is possible to determine if a patient has coronavirus, unlike PCR tests, in which the result comes out within 24 hours.

Rapid tests will be used in triage centers in hospitals and in the COVID areas of polyclinics. The preparation of areas in the DCCs, where to accept and examine suspected coronavirus patients, costs BGN 6 million, explained Minister Kostadin Angelov.

This money will be delivered from the reserve of the National Health Insurance Fund.

Another BGN 10 million from the fund will go to GPs. They will be used to pay an additional 1,000 BGN per month to jeeps for working with COVID-19 patients.
