Denitsa Sacheva commented on how the government will act if the pandemic worsens – Politics


The regional focus in the fight against the coronavirus is extremely important. This was made clear in the words of the Minister of Social Affairs, Denitsa Sacheva.Denitsa SachevaDenitsa Sacheva was born on November 2, 1973 in the city of Sofia. From 2017 to December 2019 is. He assured that the government is not preparing for a complete shutdown at the national level.

Denitsa SachevaDenitsa SachevaDenitsa Sacheva was born on November 2, 1973 in the city of Sofia. From 2017 to December 2019 is He commented that the situation is being monitored and is ready to react in a timely manner.

“If we were responsible, we would have quit. It turns out that there is obviously a need for such responsible behavior,” he said.

Sacheva told bTV that BGN 40 million would be set aside to help companies affected by the restrictive measures. This range will include restaurants, for example. At least 50,000 people can be helped. The idea is being debated at the level of the social partners.

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Regarding the aid for the whole business, the Minister of Social Affairs said it is difficult to draw general conclusions about whether business has become lighter.

He noted that almost BGN 60/40 billion has already been paid to the business.

When asked what is provided in the 2021 budget, Sacheva insisted that this is not a devastating budget.

“The budget must be considered in combination with the operational programs. BGN 30 million are for the 60/40 measure, the rest are to support the liquidity of the companies, etc.”, he said.

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“We are extremely responsible and we do not want to burden the next government with our bills,” added Denitsa Sacheva.Denitsa SachevaDenitsa Sacheva was born on November 2, 1973 in the city of Sofia. From 2017 to December 2019 is.

“At this stage, we are going around in a circle about why they are giving money, why until March and why not. This dialogue shows rather the administrative insolvency of the people who want to replace us. Although this budget, so generous, does not You can deny that this is a budget with an extremely small deficit, ”he added.

Sacheva urged not to rush into apocalyptic predictions. According to her, the government knows it will be difficult, but there are no negative forecasts.

He also gave details on specific help for parents due to the pandemic.

So far, parents of children whose schools are under quarantine have submitted more than 100 applications. There will be a meeting with the Minister of Education and Health and, if necessary, the conditions for receiving such assistance will be changed so that it can reach as many people as possible. BGN 73 million has been set aside in the budget for next year for specific assistance to parents, Sacheva announced.
