Parliament refused to save MRF from closure – Politics


Parliament refused to save the MRF from closure

© Julia Lazarova

Parliament rejected a proposal from the MRF in an emergency epidemic that time limits for political parties to hold congresses should not run.

However, Ahmed Dogan’s party proposal is not technical, but aims to avoid serious problems for the MRF.

According to one of the paragraphs of art. 40 of the Law on Political Parties, the Sofia Municipal Court ordered the dissolution of a political party when it did not hold the meetings of its supreme body provided for in the statute more than twice in a row, but not less than once every 5 years, and not the court to enter the composition of the new leadership. The court’s decision is issued at the request of the prosecution.

On the basis that due to anti-epidemic measures at the moment party congresses cannot be held, since it is forbidden to gather more than 30 people in one place, today MP Hamid Hamid requested the deadlines exactly according to art. 40 of the law should not be executed during a state of emergency or epidemic, but parliament rejected his idea.

Due to the coronavirus, the MRF postponed the election of a new leader from April 26 of this year. until now. The last national conference of the party, which is its supreme body and elects president and leadership, the Central Council, was on April 24, 2016 and, according to its statute, this body must meet every three years. Leader Mustafa Karadayi’s term has expired, but he is expected to be re-elected.

According to the current texts of the Law on Political Parties, if the conference is not convened before April 24, 2021, the MRF is in a situation in which the court will order its dissolution.

According to Hamid Hamid, the deadlines during the epidemic should stop running to comply with the order of the Minister of Health not to gather more than 30 people in one place and not put people’s lives at risk. However, other parties in parliament did not support his proposal.
