Adjunct Professor Chorbanov: The power of the coronavirus will weaken as more people become infected


Associate Prof. Andrey Chorbanov STAFF: BNT

The power of the coronavirus will weaken as more people become infected and sick. This was told to FOCUS by Assistant Professor Andrey Chorbanov, Director of the Department of Immunology at the Institute of Microbiology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

According to him, the sooner this is understood, the more rational the measures will be. According to him, herd immunity is in the lead and the incidence will decrease when the majority of the population encounters the virus.

“Before that, no matter how much we close, whatever measures we take, they will not be to stop the pandemic, they will be to save the health system. So how long we will be closed and how limited we will be in our communications will determine how long the epidemic will last. Any closure of a country, city or place has the potential to increase the time it takes for a place to deal with a pandemic. “

Self-medication plays an important role in high mortality, added adjunct professor Chorbanov. According to him, the application of self-therapy at home carries complications. Vitamin D is a very important factor, but it should only be taken with a prescription, said Adjunct Professor Chorbanov.
