“24 hours” Radev asked about COVID. He replied that he was against Borisov.


President Rumen Radev harshly criticized the government, but did not make specific proposals for measures to address the coronary crisis. PHOTO: WEBSITE OF THE HEAD OF STATE

As of today, we are asking 3 questions of parties, individuals and experts who have a different vision than the government on how to act in the pandemic.

Rumen Radev is the first politician we turned to. “24 hours”, driven by the conviction that this is the worst crisis ever experienced, and that its solution must involve the mind and effort of a wide range of people, will give the floor to all who can help, because the good and the right decisions are born in a dialogue that is absent in our country.

1. What is the most urgent? What is there to do in the country in the current situation?

2. What measures do you offer the president and his advisers to face the coronary crisis – health and economic?

3. What are the mistakes of the government according to the president’s team?

These questions were directed by 24 Chasa to the administration of President Rumen Radev on Wednesday. We did so a day after the head of state on Tuesday criticized the government harshly for tackling the COVID pandemic crisis and accused it of impotence.

Later that day, we received a response from President Kiril Atanasov’s secretary for media relations:

The questions you submitted largely coincide with questions from fellow journalists addressed to the head of state before yesterday’s “Manager of the Year” ceremony. The responses of the head of state are already available to the public and can be viewed on the website of the presidential institution. A video of yesterday’s briefing was posted on the head of state’s Facebook profile. “

Here’s what Radev had to say on Tuesday, quoted by his press center:

If there is anything more alarming than the virus itself, it is the demonstrated impotence of the Bulgarian government to deal with the pandemic. I have repeatedly called for the resignation of the cabinet with the clear reason that a government whose sole purpose is its own survival cannot lead the country through the health, social and economic crisis.

As the government walked all kinds of highways and cow farms, important time for responsible action was lost. A government that seeks to survive day by day cannot take such measures and reality shows it. With measures of panic and the enthusiasm of Komsomol, it is difficult to achieve results.

There are many criticisms in this statement, but no concrete measures and ideas of the president to face the coronary crisis.

24 Chasa directed the same questions to the opposition parliamentary and extra-parliamentary political forces, as well as to the doctors who criticized the measures. Wait for your ideas in the next few days.
