: Minister of Health: We are reviewing the record of deaths from COVID per day (VIDEO) :: Monitor.bg


The Minister of Health: We are reviewing the record of deaths from COVID per day (VIDEO)

20 employees of the National Center for Public Health and Analysis will assist the teams of the Sofia Regional Health Inspectorate and help it deliver the prescriptions of those in quarantine. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. Kostadin Angelov

“Many SRI officers were positive and could be contacted, leading to their dismissal,” he said. They will assist the current SRHI team, which includes 304 people.

Twenty-two infectious disease surveillance officers have been infected since the start of the pandemic. “They went at different times. We only had a few people who had a more severe clinic and will come back later,” explained SZRI director Dr. Ilonka Maeva. New additions would be within inspection, she added.

Dr Maeva noted that they lag behind SRZI by about 1,000 units, which they cannot exceed.

The delay of the laboratories also stopped the employees, because only then can the patient survey be carried out and all their contacts can be contacted. “We also have a 24-hour delay, because only when the data is loaded are the recipes generated. There is no way to distribute the recipes on the day of the survey ”, explained the head of SRZI.

The Health Minister said that a verification would be conducted of the record number of deaths in the last 24 hours, when they died and when they entered the system.

“Our teams are there, our numbers are normal. It is not like the previous weeks having a few days of low numbers and a boom on Tuesday,” Professor Angelov said about the initiated inspections of the Medical Supervision in the laboratories that carry out tests for coronavirus .

By November 6, mobile vans are expected to be installed in all state hospitals or those that are 50% state-owned. They will have a doctor or nurse for a consultation or rapid antigen test. Any Bulgarian citizen can go to these points, explained Professor Angelov.

The Health Minister explained that the system tests for the issuance of electronic referrals for PCR will be completed by the end of the week, and by next week general practitioners should be able to issue them.

Meanwhile, the NCIPD said that positive antigen tests cannot be used for quarantine.

According to RHI data, there was no shortage of beds and there was no delay in patients in the capital, the health minister said. He explained that on July 27 or 28 he issued an order dividing the preparation of some of the medical institutions into three steps, with a morbidity of up to 150 out of 100,000 people, between 250 and 300 per 100,000 people and more than 300 with 100,000 people. . Depending on these steps, when and what was happening was noted. According to this order, more than 7,000 beds had to be prepared, of which more than 1,100 were intensive, however, the Minister of Health established during his visits to hospitals that most of the covid beds had not been discovered. After the increase in incidence, Prof. Angelov issued a disposition order to open covid beds at 10% in all hospitals where the situation is complicated, but this did not happen. “The problem is the logistics of the hospital executives,” he explained.
