Belgium has introduced a strict quarantine –


Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo announced the introduction of a new strict quarantine in the country due to the deterioration of the situation with the coronavirus, reported AP.

This decision was made after lengthy consultations with the Pandemic Coordination Committee and experts. Now in Belgium all stores will be closed except grocery stores, people will be obliged to work “remotely”, when possible, students will stay on vacation at least until mid-November. In addition, in closed rooms it will be allowed to receive no more than one guest per family, outdoors – no more than four people, no more than 15 people can attend the funeral. Cross-border travel is also not discouraged for citizens.

Kingdom Health Minister Frank Vandenbrook added that some coronavirus patients were being sent to neighboring states for treatment due to overcrowding and a lack of beds. In conclusion, the Minister said that the mobilization of all people With a medical education – students, retirees and teachers – he started in Belgium.

“We call for the mobilization of all those who can contribute to the fight against COVID-19 and have the necessary education“said Vandenbrook.

According to the Johns Hopkins University in Belgium, almost 400,000 cases and 11.3 thousand deaths have been identified.
