Five from Plovdiv and the region lost the battle against coronavirus forever



“During the last 10 days, the Ministry of the Interior, RHI, BFSA-Plovdiv and the Labor Inspectorate have carried out a total of 5,754 inspections of grocery stores, retail chains, restaurants and public transport. the use of masks in public places, in accordance with the latest provisions of the Ministry of Health.

The acts drafted so far are 44. The Interior Ministry has delivered 1,682 alert protocols and the RHI has issued 744 prescriptions, said the regional governor and president of the OCC, Dani Kanazireva. He specified that today the inspections of all state institutions continue in the territory of the entire district.

According to RHI data, 23 people have been hospitalized in the last 24 hours and 9 are in a more serious condition. According to the hospitals, there are a total of 327 patients in the wards, of which 258 have a confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus. There are 7 patients in intensive care. There are 140 beds available and 22 for intensive care. There are 25 rooms for unconfirmed K-19 patients.

During the day 93 people recovered, of which 6 doctors, 3 nurses, 2 paramedics and 2 rehabilitators.

Among the newly diagnosed there are 17 members of the medical staff: 8 hospital doctors, 1 general practitioner, 1 dentist, 4 nurses, 1 midwife, 1 nurse and 1 rehabilitator. An epidemiological study is in progress. Currently, the active cases of medical personnel in the district hospitals are 61.

5 people died in the last 24 hours:

– a 64-year-old woman from Plovdiv with comorbidities: diabetes, cancer, heart, chronic kidney disease and others;

– a 76-year-old woman from Plovdiv with concomitant heart and other diseases;

– a 75-year-old woman from Plovdiv with concomitant heart disease;

– a 52-year-old man from the municipality of Maritza, without accompanying illnesses;

– a 56-year-old man from Plovdiv, without comorbidities;

The total number of cases registered for the district of Plovdiv in the National Information System today is 4283. The new cases are 268. 2421 people are in quarantine and 1651 are in home treatment.

Information by municipalities: Plovdiv – 2821, Karlovo – 136, Krichim – 40, Hissarya – 51, “Rodopi” – 191, Stamboliyski – 67, Kaloyanovo – 45, Perushtitsa – 45, Rakovski – 104, “Maritsa” – 165, Asenovgrad – 358, Brezovo – 17, Kuklen – 48, Sadovo – 53, Parvomay – 25, Saedinenie – 45, Sopot – 35, Lucky – 37.
