Borissov: We buy COVID-19 vaccines if parliament supports us


The issue of COVID-19 vaccines requires maximum public awareness and broad consensus. Therefore, the decision about them can only be made by parliament, where the deputies will decide. This was explained by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov during a working video conference with members of the cabinet, announced the press center of the Council of Ministers.

He charged the Minister of Health with preparing the documents and presenting the proposal to parliament.

“If they support us, we buy and act in a pandemic. If they do not support us, we will not buy,” said the Prime Minister.

“People forget the crisis very quickly, they forgot the swine flu, the bird flu, the African plague, and only bills remain. And this time the bill will be very thick. Therefore, we are awaiting the decision of the parliament, “stressed Borissov.

He called on ministers to apply a more flexible approach in all areas of our country’s socio-economic life, so that it can function as fully as possible in a pandemic.

“I want you not to stumble over the easier prohibition orders. I want the exact opposite: everyone, all business, so I demand this flexibility from you,” said the Prime Minister. Borissov ordered all ministers to be in constant contact with health professor Kostadin Angelov.

Borissov placed special emphasis on the educational system. He asked the Minister of Health and Education to propose a solution for the educational process in the context of the coronary crisis. The objective is, once the two-week period in the current order of the Ministry of Health regarding schools has expired, to apply a local approach based on the decisions of the district headquarters, the epidemic situation (thresholds reached) and the proposals from schools. In universities, decisions will be made by academic leaders.

The Prime Minister also ordered the Health Ministry and the Regional Health Inspectorates to strengthen control over those in quarantine. “If all contacts are closed and do not come out, the infection stops. And when the control over the observance of quarantine is monitored by the competent authorities, the measures take effect, the infection is controlled,” said the Prime Minister.

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