Here are the new COVID measures that go into effect today


Prof. Kostadin Angelov

The new temporary measures against the epidemic, ordered by the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, come into force today and will last until November 12. You can see the complete order of the Minister of Health HERE.

If the coronavirus situation worsens or at least does not improve, the prescription period can be extended. The reason is not only the growing number of people infected with coronavirus, but also the growing crisis in hospitals, where in some places there are no places to treat these patients or there is a shortage of doctors.

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By order of the Minister of Health, attendance classes for high school students are terminated.

Students’ face-to-face classes are also suspended. The youngest students will continue to attend school, where classes must be conducted in accordance with the work guidelines developed by the Ministry of Health and Education. These include the mandatory use of a mask or helmet in common areas (corridors, libraries, buffet), maximum restriction of contacts between students of different classes, disinfection of surfaces and ventilation.

Not all students will be able to attend classes and group extracurricular activities in language centers and classrooms. Exceptions are allowed only for activities of interest and activities for students in elementary and lower secondary education, which are organized in a way that does not allow mixing of children from different classes.

Nightclubs and restaurants

During the period, visits to discos, piano bars, bars and nightclubs, as well as other similar nightclubs for indoor entertainment are prohibited. All catering and entertainment establishments, including restaurants, fast food establishments, beverage establishments, cafes, must provide a physical distance of 1.5 m between the backs of the closest chairs and two adjacent tables, not allowing more than 6 people at a table.

Cinema, theater, concert, seminar

The answer is yes, but subject to strict measures. Cultural events such as theater, cinema, concerts, can be held in seats up to 30% of its total interior capacity. Attendees must maintain a physical distance of 1.5 m and must wear masks. Conferences, seminars and exhibitions are allowed with the participation of no more than 30 people, observing a distance of 1.5 m and wearing masks. The organization of excursions and group visits to tourist places is suspended.

Sports events

All collective and individual sporting events of a formative and competitive nature, both indoors and outdoors, will be held without an audience. An exception is allowed only for the Sofia Open 2020 tennis tournament. There, spectators will be accommodated in at least two seats, subject to a physical distance of 1.5 m and the mandatory use of protective gear.

In the market

We will definitely go to the market with a mask. In all markets, markets, outdoor and indoor bazaars, an organization for one-way traffic should be established and a distance of 1.5 m should be provided between visitors. Those who work there must also wear masks.
