They introduced new restrictions in Plovdiv, they said about the evening time!



A unanimous decision of the Regional Crisis Headquarters introduces a limited work schedule until 11:30 p.m. in cocktail bars, which are left out of the ban by order of the Ministry of Health, and prohibits the visit of unaccompanied minors in downtown commercial establishments commercial.

“Both decisions are dictated by practice and after analysis. That is, when students stop attending school, as well as extracurricular activities, most of them meet at these outlets. I spoke with the managers of the shopping malls that show understanding and willingness In addition, with the other measure, we aim not to turn cocktail bars into unregulated nightclubs, as happened in the spring, ”said Dani Kanazireva, regional governor and chief of staff.

According to the representatives of the Medical Corps, in order to take effect, the measures must be complex, such as the latest order from the Minister of Health for the closure of nightclubs and distance education for high school and university students.

Analysis shows that the jump in positive samples is strong 14 days after the start of the school year, and children carry the virus more easily or without symptoms, but they do carry it.

“We must not go to extremes and increase panic and psychosis among people by taking hasty measures that will not lead to a recession, but will only lead to heavy blows to the economy. The most important thing for me is the measures imposed.” Decisions taken today, for the additional measures, we had prepared a few days ago, but they would not have made sense without the current order of the Ministry of Health, ”explained Kanazireva.

Regarding the idea of ​​hosting an evening class, the district governor commented:

“I am reserved because it is unlikely to have a real effect, but it will cause an even greater panic. And if it is about minors, then, in the Child Protection Law itself, Article 8 prohibits all minors from leaving unaccompanied after 22: 00h “

According to her, the most important thing from now on is to strengthen control with the competent institutions to comply with the measures and create the necessary organization in their health establishments.

As of October 28, 2020, the territory of the Plovdiv region has 230 newly diagnosed cases of COVID-19. A total of 3809 are registered in the National Information System. 2,282 people are in quarantine. 1,373 people are receiving home treatment. Healed in the last 24 hours are 85.

According to RHI, the newly diagnosed medical staff in the last 24 hours are 4 doctors, 1 nurse and 1 nurse. An epidemiological study is in progress. So far, the total number of sick doctors in the district is 211, of which 151 have already been cured, active cases are 60.

In the last 24 hours, 17 people have been hospitalized, 6 of them in a more serious condition.

According to information from hospitals, there are 281 people undergoing treatment in covid wards, 237 of them with confirmed coronavirus. There are 8 intensive care units. There are 136 beds available, 22 rooms available for unconfirmed cases, and 19 intensive care beds.

During the last 24 hours, a patient, a 68-year-old man, has died. of common. Maritsa with companion – diabetes and heart disease

There are newly infected people in the 18 municipalities of the district. Most again are in Plovdiv – 143 and Asenovgrad – 32. Followed by the municipalities of Rodopi -11, Maritsa -7, Stamboliyski, Kuklen and Rakovski 5 each, Brezovo -4, Kaloyanovo, Hissarya and Sadovo 3 each and in the other municipalities there are more than one or two cases.

Information by municipalities: Plovdiv – 2486, Karlovo – 122, Krichim – 40, Hisarya – 47, Rodopi – 170, Stamboliyski – 57, Kaloyanovo – 36, Perushtitsa – 43, Rakovski – 93, Maritsa – 151, Asenovgrad – 339, Brezovo – 15, Kuklen – 43, Sadovo – 45, Parvomay – 23, Saedinenie – 40, Sopot – 23, Lucky – 36.
