Prof. Gaidarski: Bird flu was no less dangerous, but now other forces have intervened


In 2006, in relation to bird flu, a pandemic plan with clearly defined action steps was established and ministries must be involved in an epidemic. However, this plan is not being implemented now.

This was said on the air of “This Morning” by former Health Minister Prof. Radoslav Gaydarski.

When asked if the virus was different then, Gaidarski replied: “The virus is a virus. The fight against them is carried out in the same way. Avian flu was no less dangerous then than it is now. Especially in this virus, Other forces have intervened: there are already political, economic and financial demands and services for them to see what is happening.

Gaidarski cited data that the head of one of the largest laboratories in our country told him that a maximum of 120 PCR tests are performed in a laboratory per day, and there are a total of 60 laboratories in the country.

“So how do you advertise 11,000 tests a day?” He asked.

Regarding measures against the coronavirus, the former Minister of Health commented that currently chaos reigns.

“Once we dissolve them, we fine-tune them … Student Distance Learning: No distinction is made between students and students. Understand that economics and finance students can easily be taught remotely. But tell me, can you? How do medical students study remotely? ”Gaidarski commented.

According to him, the critical situation is due to the fact that there are not enough trained specialists in the field of virology in the country, and most of the doctors and nurses are afraid and do not want to work in the COVID wards.

Gaidarski dismissed allegations that the Bulgarians were undisciplined in terms of security and said he saw masked men on the streets. As for the masks themselves, he added that they protect, and the best are surgical masks, which, however, need to be changed frequently.
