Hours after the order of the Ministry of Education and Science: 119 SU in Sofia connects


The director of the 119th school in Sofia Diyan Stamatov will not wait for a possible decision from the municipal crisis headquarters and has already activated the procedure of transition to distance education in his school, according to order of the Ministry of Education and Science, which was distributed today, DarikNews.bg reported. .

According to him, a school would not take more than 48 hours to connect.

“I myself believe that for now it could be taken as a decision of the municipal headquarters. But even if this slows down, in 119 we started all the steps for a procedure regarding the transition to a distance form of high school students. I will ask the Minister for his consent for this to happen, in order to protect the life and health of the students, but also my concern that the teachers began to fall one by one, ”Stamatov said.

According to the director of the 119 University of Sofia, the capital is in the red zone with the highest percentage of contagion risk among teachers and students.

“The high school stage is the first stage that could be relatively easily, fluently and quickly transferred to a remote environment in a relatively short period of time. The reasons for my proposal are that this is the stage where students are the most large and disciplined and “On the other hand, these are the students who, unfortunately, are not the most active in distance learning in the school environment, and this creates serious difficulties in preventing the spread of Covid-19,” he said. more Stamatov.

Veliko Tarnovo University “St. Cyril and Methodius” is also fully e-learning until November 8.

By order of the Rector Professor Hristo Bondjolov, the measure is introduced for the branch of the University of Vratsa and for the Pedagogical College of Pleven.

During the two week period, scheduled examinations and dissertation defense will be conducted in an electronic environment with remote access.
