“We have many difficult months ahead”


“It can’t go on like this anymore,” Angela Merkel said behind closed doors. And he warned that “many, many difficult months lie ahead.” Politicians in Germany have now openly declared that a repeat lockdown seems inevitable.

“It can’t go on like this anymore,” Merkel said in a closed session on the rapid spread of the coronavirus in Germany. The media also quoted her saying, “We have many, many difficult months ahead of us.”

“Please stay home”

The warning comes just a day after the German chancellor reiterated her call on a regular podcast a week ago, when she urged Germans not to travel and limit their social contacts. “Please abandon any travel that is not really necessary. From any celebration that is not really necessary.” Please stay home, “Merkel said, sharing her concern about the growing number of new coronavirus outbreaks. Merkel stressed that “It depends on our behavior how strong and how fast the virus spreads.” According to Merkel, it will become clear in the coming days and weeks what awaits us in the winter.

Armin Laschet, prime minister of Germany’s most populous province, North Rhine-Westphalia, also expressed concern. “We have many difficult weeks ahead of us,” Laschet said, pointing to neighboring Belgium, where, despite severe restrictions, the situation continues to complicate matters. Experts have already warned that the country’s health system is facing collapse. There is even information that due to the acute shortage of medical personnel, all doctors and nurses who test positive for Kovid-19 but show no symptoms will be called back to work.

New blockade in Germany?

At the same time, the prime minister of the German state of Lower Saxony, Stefan Weil, assured that everything possible is being done to avoid a new closure. However, the Social Democrat Karl Lauterbach warned that if the current trend continues, a repeated lockdown seems inevitable.

On Saturday, Germany set a record with nearly 15,000 new infections in one day. Meanwhile, the death toll from the coronavirus has exceeded 10,000.

