Three, including Plevneliev, may succeed Borissov as prime minister


Thus, the GERB president will fulfill his promise not to remain in power if his party’s project for a new constitution is not approved, but also to stay with the patriots until the end.

Vratsa Mayor Kalin Kamenov, Andrey Novakov MEP and former President are on the short list of qualities that their leader appreciates

The term should be completed in late spring, but with a second GERB and United Patriots government.

And in it, the prime minister should be different from Boyko Borissov. And the current prime minister to dedicate himself to preparing the party for the parliamentary elections. This idea is still in the attention of GERB leader Boyko Borissov, despite the fading of protests in recent weeks. It is possible that the option will be used in the expected failure of the draft new constitution, presented by the deputies of GERB, the Patriots and supported by “Will”. GERB needs 160 votes to approve the project and convene a Grand National Assembly, as was Borissov’s original plan. Collecting them is impossible without the involvement of MRF or BSP.

“If the proposal is not accepted, I will consider that this parliament is exhausted,” Borissov threatened in the summer when he announced his draft constitution. Which was accepted as a sign on his part that if the idea of ​​convening a great parliament fails, he will surely go to early elections. At the same time, however, the United Patriots, whose entry into a new parliament is in doubt, managed to persuade Borissov to publicly announce that his term would be over.

The proposal to do it with a second government in which Borissov is not prime minister was also made in the summer. Then the patriots rejected it, but it still remained an option for Borissov, according to GERB sources.

First, that decision would allow him to fulfill his promise not to become prime minister again when parliament is exhausted. In addition, Borissov will have time, leaving the Council of Ministers in November, for example, to organize and stabilize the ranks of the GERB party. His active participation at this time in the life of the party could, in the first place, lead to the cleaning of the troubled party members from the second floor, who have a bad influence on GERB. In addition, he could become more actively involved in the electoral campaign and thus bring his party back to first place in the upcoming spring elections.

Who will Borissov host in this party building? Most likely it is Tomislav Donchev, who is still a deputy prime minister without a portfolio, but also a person with whom the majority inside and outside GERB sympathize.

Who can succeed Borissov as prime minister for this nearly half-year government until the spring elections?

As for the names of the mayor of Vratsa Kalin Kamenov and of the MEP Andrey Novakov, already mentioned in the summer, the expectation is already being added that Rosen Plevneliev will also enter this short list. He has been particularly active in recent months: a constant critic of his successor Rumen Radev and an advocate for all things Bulgarian business and foreign investment.

Before “24 Horas”, the former president denied that he intended to return to politics, although GERB asked him to.

“As an active citizen defending his position, as a convinced European and a Democrat, I can play an important role in upcoming events,” Plevneliev explained, but it is not clear what role he sees for himself in these events.

If Borissov decides to resign in November, he is likely to have a new prime minister and a new deputy prime minister. As the two deputy prime ministers and the posts of defense, ecology and economy ministers remained theirs under a quota, the small coalition had to decide for itself whether to replace the current incumbents Krassimir Karakachanov, Mariana Nikolova, Emil Dimitrov and Lachezar Borisov.

However, so far, no such proposal has been made to the United Patriots officially and publicly, an inspection of 24 Chasa showed. Borissov is likely to do so only after the vote on the draft new constitution in the National Assembly. This was originally scheduled for November 2. However, GERB will probably need at least a week or two for the project to enter the room. The plans are to adopt the important laws on the state budgets, the social security system and the health system.
