Kiril Ananiev: 2021 budget is anti-pandemic – Politics


“We have hastily drawn conclusions about the medium-term budget forecast. It was developed in an unprecedented situation. There are clear priorities in the budget, mainly focused on measures to overcome the consequences of the crisis. I call it an anti-pandemic budget, as it contains more of 3 billion BGN for measures to combat the coronavirus … We have decided on structural issues, the budget is balanced between the Covid measures and the need for reforms in individual systems.

This was told to BNR by Finance Minister Kiril Ananiev.Kiril AnanievKiril Ananiev is the Minister of Health in Boyko Borissov’s third cabinet. He was born in.

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He explained that 1,600 million leva are provided for household support, 576 million lev for businesses, 748 million lev for government agencies responsible for pandemic and consequence management activities, 76 million lev for national support. . co-financing of measures related to Covid-19.

“There is no populism or electoral promises. We foresee a cushion in the budget for next year. The budgets of all ministries and departments will be financed in December with 95% of the resource, and 5% will be used for cases of force majeure in the health system. If this 5%, or 640 million BGN, is not spent, it will help not to exceed the projected deficit of 3.9%. Of this 3.9%, almost 2.5% are related to Covid measures. People or companies will not be abandoned. “

Minister Ananiev added: “At the end of the period we will have a deficit of 28.2% of GDP, which is far from the Maastricht criterion of 60%. In 2019, the average deficit of the EU countries is 77%, and of the euro area countries, 84%, as it was before the crisis. “

The Finance Minister stressed that the budget also includes reforms, for example in the education and health sectors.

“For the first time we have a high priority: the formation of budgetary relations between the state and the municipalities. All types of relations increase by BGN 732 million – for the activities delegated by the state, for the matching subsidy, for the subsidy of capital. ”He assured that the police officers have not been forgotten, because for the new year a 10% increase in their salaries is planned.
