Professor Kantardzhiev announced which 2 products kill K-19 and when will patients decrease in our country VIDEO


“Out of respect for others, we should stay home with masks as much as possible, because this reduces the risk to their health. I left the mask here until the end, not for me, but to protect you. You have family and relatives. respect, “Professor Todor Kantardzhiev, a member of Nova TV’s National Operations Headquarters, told the air.

“A lot of people wore masks and in August and September things were fine. However, things have already been left behind,” he admitted.

“The entire Bulgarian nation remembers that in late spring, if it weren’t for proms and Christian meetings, we would have had a completely trouble-free summer,” said the expert.

“We have been calmly warning about this since June. We regret that the bad predictions are coming true.

Many people say that doctors deliberately take people to hospitals. However, we constantly hear that hospitals do not accept people because they have no place, “he explained.

“I do not see in general practitioners the desire to introduce rapid tests,” Professor Kantardzhiev admitted.

Years ago, when we studied medicine for generations, it was to help people. When we followed him, we knew that we were risking our health and that of our loved ones, on behalf of society. It is good that colleagues remember this and that medicine is not a business. “Education has also become a business, as has sports, and these are not good things,” he said.

The colleagues from the Headquarters do not close and we do not open anything. We only give medical recommendations. I uploaded a study from the University of Texas to the National Center website. Findings reveal your risk behavior where a person can be more infected “, he said.

The greatest risk of contagion with K-19 is the drinking establishments, and soon after in terms of danger there is public transport. You have to protect yourself and your family, “said Professor Kantardzhiev.

According to him, if there is someone sick in the family, the measures should be doubled. “It is good to have more disinfectant at home if there is the possibility of ventilation and frequent hand washing,” he recommended.

There is a 40% chance of getting infected if there is a sick person in your home., according to a German study. However, if the patient wears a mask and the necessary measures are followed, the probability drops to 30%. “explained the professor.

Asked if students should go back to online learning: “We must not shut down education and the economy because of this infection., we must be careful with the measurements.

They had to be timely and respected. It is bad to take half measures. If everyone on the trams had been seen wearing masks, this would not be the case now. “

“When they see me in public transport with a mask, people already know me and call me “Abe, professor, stop with these masks.” But it’s enough, you see there are 1500 cases a day. “ Kantardzhiev said.

Bad news about the reach of the K-19 in our country! Less infected on October 25, but …

“Now the most important thing is not to panic. You have to very strictly observe the interior measures, disinfection and distance as well,” he said, adding:

“It is important to eat well and take vitamins. We must arm ourselves with patience. The numbers won’t drop for two days. We may see fewer cases in at least two weeks if action is taken and not in vain. “

Vitamin D and vitamin E are antioxidants, but the former is also related to the immune system and antibody-producing cells. It’s good to drink a small amount now that there is less sun, ”he explained.

Kantardzhiev admitted that mouthwash and soda-killing viruses. “The more we increase our oral hygiene, the lower the risk of infection. It is also good to suck on sweets with essential oils,” he said.

