Alibegov: Fandakova puts dust in her eyes and washes her hands with restaurants, we’re going bankrupt


“Fandakova throws dust in the eyes of the people and the municipality of Sofia washes its hands with us as the most convenient branch,” President of the Bulgarian Restaurant Association Richard Alibegov told FOCUS after the mayor announced that The Sofia Operational Headquarters had decided as of tomorrow the discos – bars, clubs and discos, which will remain closed for two weeks due to the strong jump in the contagion of coronavirus.

“First, we don’t have an order yet. At this stage, there is no order (then there was a issued – br). For us, it is absolutely to dust the eyes of the people who are doing something and fight the pandemic that will not bring any health results. We have seen in Europe that the numbers are increasing in the third week “, stressed Alibegov.

According to him, the restriction of the work of the establishments will not last only two weeks.

“It is an absolute lie that it will only be 14 days. We all know that if it closes, we will go in March. the first time they failed to bankrupt the entire industry, this time they will bankrupt everybody. Nightclubs won’t last like this. I am not convinced that in 10 days they will not say to close the salons, “he added.

The chairman of the board of the Bulgarian Restaurant Association explained that after 10 days this closure it will cost thousands of jobs.

“At the moment, there is no trust between us and the municipality of Sofia. This order from Fandakova is dust in the eyes of the people, enough to say that it does something. This dust in the eyes of the people at this stage will be about 120,000 jobs because they will close nightclubs throughout the country, and in 10 days it will cost 450,000 jobs, without indicators, without reason, without any outbreak in establishments it is decided that nightclubs are a problem, there are outbreaks in schools, in workshops, in factories, in nursing homes suddenly we will close restaurants where there is not a single home. People were gathering. This does not lead to an infection, we may have taken the appropriate measures. We don’t have sick waiters, waiters, and cooks. The sewing workshops are full of the sick, the municipal companies are full of the sick, we don’t have any. Why does someone wash their hands with our industry again? This has not been shown to stop the pandemic, the opposite has been shown. In Europe, the numbers go up every day, as long as everything is closed, there is an afternoon schedule until 9:00 p.m. and restaurants close at 9:00 p.m., and France yesterday with another record, “added Alibegov.
