10-day quarantine for close contacts – Topics in development


TO All close contact persons of a confirmed COVID-19 case are subject to a 10-day quarantine, starting from their last contact with the infected person, the Ministry of Health announced. This was ordered by Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov with an order issued today.

Isolation of people with a positive sample remains for 14 days. Many will stay home and discharged from the hospital still having symptoms. GPs will decide whether patients over 60 should go to hospital or can be isolated at home.

The following confirmed cases of COVID-19 will be subject to mandatory isolation and / or hospital treatment at the suggestion of the treating physician: adults ≥ 60 years, depending on the clinical course of the disease; people with concomitant chronic diseases and / or immunosuppressed conditions, depending on the clinical course of the disease; people with a severe clinical course such as shortness of breath or shortness of breath, sputum, or hemoptysis; people with an inability to isolate and treat at home, regardless of the clinical course of the disease.

The following confirmed COVID-19 cases are subject to mandatory isolation and / or home treatment for a period of 14 days from the date of the confirmatory laboratory test: infectious agents (asymptomatic individuals); people with mild clinical symptoms (body temperature <38 C, cough, loss of sense of smell, alteration or loss of taste, general malaise, runny nose, sore throat, gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and / or diarrhea, no changes in the mental state (that is, confusion or lethargy) and without concomitant chronic diseases and / or immunosuppressed conditions, the people included in point 1, who have expressed their refusal in writing and explicitly to hospital treatment.

Medical supervision of people placed in home isolation is carried out by a general practitioner or a treating physician from the medical institution that performed the hospital treatment.

You can familiarize yourself with the full text of the order HERE.
