Starting today, outdoor masks are a must.


The requirements were established in an order from the Minister of Health.

Outdoor masks – mandatory from today. The Health Minister’s order was published Wednesday night. The order is valid under the following conditions:

– if there is a crowd of people and it is not possible to stand at a distance of one and a half meters;

– if we are outdoors with people who are not from our family or home.

In these conditions, masks are mandatory for children over 6 years of age.

Without facial protection we can be:

– If we are a restaurant customer, we do sports outdoors or indoors;

– if we are in an indoor event, but we maintain a distance of five feet.

The order of the Minister of Health also contains clear recommendations for employers, including the introduction of teleworking.

A NOVA team verified whether the measures were being met. It turned out that there were people who hadn’t even heard of the new order to wear masks outdoors. Police officers are touring the busiest places to explain the new regulations. The Regional Health Inspectorate has not yet supervised compliance with the measures.


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