They give one day to buy masks, they are mandatory outside of Thursday (Summary)


The Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, held a videoconference conversation with the advice of experts in epidemiology and infectious diseases. PHOTO: MH

The order is valid until the end of November.

The Minister of Health foresees a 30% reduction in incidence if the measure is followed

Quarantine lasts 10 days, but for a patient without symptoms

“Starting Thursday, outdoor masks will be mandatory. We expect a reduction in morbidity if the measures are followed. We will give citizens one day to buy masks.”

This was announced on Tuesday by the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov after a videoconference with experts from the Ministry of Health and members of the expert councils on epidemiology and infectious diseases. Early in the morning of the same day, 1,024 new infected people were announced for the day.

Until now, masks were mandatory only on public transport and in closed public places: cinemas, shops, departments, etc.

The proposal to make the masks mandatory abroad belongs to the Chief of Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev. It was supported by the Minister of Health, who called it the easiest measure possible. During the videoconference, the measure also had the support of health experts.

The outdoor masks will be mandatory until the end of November. “We hold expert conferences every week and if we change the situation and make another decision, you will be notified immediately. So that’s it.

if there is a change

of the new

got sick under

25% or like

number per 100,000

people will be


New order “,

Angelov emphasized.

As of Thursday, with the order of the Minister of Health for the masks, it will be possible to reduce the quarantine from 14 to 10 days. But the reduction will only apply to people who are in quarantine and have no symptoms of COVID-19, explained the minister.

“There is no need to worry if we follow the measures: put on the mask, do not shake hands, do things with reason and intellect. We should not look for intentions in every action of the state, the most important thing is the health and lives of people Angelov insisted.

The Health Minister promised to speak with educator Krassimir Valchev and decide whether to toughen up the measures in schools. (What is the position of the Minister of Education? See page 6)

In front of journalists, the Minister of Health also read letters from his parents to himself and Valchev, in which


All schools

to change to

Online training,

as well as universities, and civil servants to work from home. Up to ten people can meet indoors and a maximum of 30 outdoors, in the discos to have to work until 10 at night, they also collect the proposals to the two ministers. However, there are also parents who are against the masks because they caused discomfort to their children, added the minister.

“The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education are in the middle of this situation and we must make a decision that is convenient from a medical point of view: save lives and save doctors,” Angelov said.

Those of the night


I would not do it

will close the

this scenario,

the minister explained.

Starting next week, a 24-hour National Logistics Headquarters will operate in Sofia, similar to a call center.

“The state will be divided into 6 districts and the objective will be to compensate for all the deficits in the system and improve communication and coordination between the structures. There should be no people waiting to be admitted to a hospital or transferred from one medical institution to another, or a hospital it needs remdesivir, to be supplied immediately, ”Minister Angelov explained the tasks of the new headquarters.

After the intensified control over the observance of the measures, morbidity is expected to decrease by 30%, predicts the minister. On Thursday it will be clear which will be the six administrative regions into which the country will be divided. Each area will have its own telephone number to contact the center.

A total of 1,024 were recently diagnosed with coronavirus on Monday out of a total of 4,406 PCR tests. This means that 23.24% of those analyzed are positive, it is clear from the data of the National Information System.

The total number of confirmed cases in the country since the start of the pandemic has become 30,527, with 12,366 active.

210 are cured, and their total number so far is 17,153.

1,562 are cared for in the hospital, 88 of whom are in the intensive care unit. On Tuesday morning alone, 22 new deaths were announced.


checks for

wearing masks

in public transport and the Sofia metro, as well as for the observance of anti-epidemic measures on commercial sites was yesterday in the capital by order of Mayor Yordanka Fandakova.

Teams from the Sofia Inspection have inspected 381 stores in different parts of the capital. An act has been drawn up to avoid wearing a mask, prescriptions have been made to maintain distance and use disinfectants. Eight acts of passengers without masks in public transport were drafted, 4 alert protocols and 3 police orders were imposed.
