Boris Johnson resigns! The reason is shocking!


Boris Johnson plans to resign as prime minister next spring, conservative lawmakers say.

They say he has often complained that he cannot live on a prime minister’s salary of £ 150,402 a year. But he wants another six months to settle down.

He is said to be jealous of his predecessor, Theresa May, who has made more than £ 1 million as a speaker since leaving the post of prime minister last year. Johnson believes he could earn at least double, the Monitor reported, citing the Mirror.

Shortly before moving to №10, he made £ 160,000 in one month from two speeches. They also paid him £ 23,000 a month for a simple newspaper column.

One of the deputies shared: “Boris has at least six children, some of whom are quite young. He also had to pay money to his ex-wife Marina Wheeler as a divorce decree.

Johnson also has to take care of the future education of his six-month-old son Wilfred. Sending it to the elite Ethan School will cost £ 42,500 a year.

Of the other former prime ministers, David Cameron earned £ 120,000 for a speech and Tony Blair £ 22 million for lectures and consultations.

Now there is a frenzy behind the scenes for the post of future prime minister.

Five contenders are expected: Finance Minister Rishi Sunak, Foreign Minister Dominique Raab, Chief of Staff Michael Gove, former Health Minister Jeremy Hunt, and former Defense Minister Penny Mordont.

The bookies’ favorite is Sunak, having donated £ 300 billion in cash to COVID-19.

Gove will be supported by Johnson’s senior assistant, Dominic Cummings, who advised him when he was Secretary of Education.

As First Secretary and Deputy Prime Minister, Raab has the advantage of working hard while Johnson was sick with COVID-19 this year.

But Hunt hasn’t given up hope and can seek support from members of the House of Commons.

