Professor Ivo Petrov said we should return to full shutdown due to the nightmarish growth of those newly infected with K-19


I am against closure. I don’t see any reason for companies to be closed. We must go on living. I don’t think we should go to full closure again, cardiologist Prof. Ivo Petrov told Nova TV.

This infection does not belong to those who consider themselves particularly dangerous. What we are seeing is not something extremely deadly. At the moment, we are faced with a new infection that is spreading rapidly. This is expected to continue into the fall and winter months, “he added.

“K-19 will stay with us forever, but perhaps, as happened after the first major flu epidemic, the conclusions will come later. I hope that the big conclusions from the K-19 will come in a few years,” added the specialist.

He pointed out that he is not so concerned about the growth of the new infected in our country from a medical point of view as from a health point of view.

“There is growing evidence that ozonated agents have antiviral activity, locally, in the nasopharynx. These agents, especially in the first few days, have the effect of reducing the number of viruses.

Even in our country we have introduced this type of measure and we drink ionized water. Ionization of air and water works well, ”said Professor Ivo Petrov.
