Two kidnapped a woman at a bus stop on Sofia Boulevard have been arrested


PHOTO: Pixabay

Those accused of kidnapping a woman at a bus stop on Sofia Boulevard are in custody. This was announced by the press center of the Appeal Prosecutor’s Office – Sofia.

Under the direction of the Sofia City Prosecutor’s Office, a crime committed is being investigated: the illegal deprivation of liberty (in accordance with article 142, paragraph 2, supra paragraph 1 of the Penal Code).

The pre-trial process in the case began after receiving a report to the police about a kidnapped woman.

At present, it has been established that on October 12, 2020, Yu.P. He had an appointment with a woman – VK, related to commitments related to her son. The man arrived at the scene accompanied by RK. At a public transport stop, next to a restaurant on Yanko Sakazov Blvd. in Sofia, the two, against the woman’s will, took her to an area outside the city.

Witnesses reported the incident to the police. The perpetrators have been identified – Yu.P. at 31 and RK at 33. Both have been convicted. By decree of the supervising prosecutor, the people were presented as accused and detained for up to 72 hours.

Today, in a judicial hearing, the requests of the Sofia City Prosecutor’s Office for the imposition of containment measures “detention in custody” against P. and K. The court granted them, leaving the accused in custody . The woman affected by his actions is in good health.
