Italy with an anti-record: more than 7,300 infected, see the situation in Europe


Italy today registered an increase of 7,332 new cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours, which is an absolute anti-record since the beginning of the pandemic, the Ministry of Health said, cited by DPA and Reuters. This is quite a large increase compared to the daily growth of 5,901 newly infected people that was reported yesterday.

At the same time, 43 deaths from COVID-19 were recorded today, up from 41 yesterday, which is much lower than the values ​​of March and April, when a peak of more than 900 deaths per day was reached, reports BTA.

The previous anti-registration of 6,557 new cases of COVID-19 was registered on March 21. However, 793 people died from the coronavirus on the same day.

Although the number of deaths in Italy remains small, the number of patients in intensive care units is constantly increasing. These patients numbered 539 today, compared to 514 the day before, a significant increase from almost 40 in the second half of July.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said yesterday that he was determined to avoid a new quarantine at the national level just as the economy was recovering from the previous one.

However, some of the country’s leading scientists say a new quarantine may be the only way to halt the growth of the pandemic.

“I think the Christmas quarantine is realistic, it would help us regulate the system through slower transmission of the virus and better follow-up of contacts,” Andrea Crisanti, a professor of microbiology at the University of Padua, told RAI television.

The Romanian government today approved a decision to extend the announced state of alarm in relation to the coronavirus pandemic for another 30 days, starting on October 15, said Agerpress, the head of the Emergency Situations Department, Raed Arafat.

He specified that the new ordinance introduces the mandatory use of a protective mask in all open spaces in settlements where COVID-19 cases exceed 3 per thousand inhabitants.

In settlements where cases are less than 3 per thousand inhabitants, the use of a protective mask is mandatory in crowded places and at a distance of 50 meters from schools.

More than 3 out of every 1,000 infected people are also expected to close restaurants, cafes, cinemas and others, Arafat said.

Today, Romania for the first time crossed the threshold of 4,000 new infected people in one day.

At the same time, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said that private events like weddings, christenings and other group celebrations were a major source of the virus, Digi TV24 reported.

He added that for this reason, these types of events will be prohibited for the next 30 days.

Earlier this week, Romanian media reported that authorities halted a wedding with more than 350 guests in the northwestern city of Oradea on Saturday. According to current measurements, no more than 100 guests are allowed outside or 50 inside.

Today it was clear that the bride is infected with COVID-19 and the 356 guests of the event will be quarantined, reports “Adevarul”. The young woman did a test with her husband, as they intended to go on their honeymoon.

Patricio Pezzotti, an epidemiologist at the Italian Higher Institute of Health, said in an interview with the Stampa newspaper that he expected 100 deaths from COVID-19 a day in a few weeks.

Italian authorities are trying to increase testing capacity amid complaints of long lines at the centers where the tests take place. A new record of 152,196 tests performed per day was reported today.

The UK today saw an increase of 19,724 new COVID-19 cases per day, an increase of 2,490 compared to the previous day, according to official data cited by Reuters. The release of alarming data comes at a time when new local restrictions need to be introduced in some parts of the country to slow the spread of the infection.

The data also shows that today there is a slight decrease in deaths from COVID-19, which is 137, compared to 143 yesterday. The total number of deaths from the disease caused by the coronavirus in the country reached 43,155 people, which is the highest figure in Europe, and the number of infected is close to 655,000 people, TASS reported.

On Monday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced another tightening of measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus and the introduction of a three-tiered system of restrictions, to be imposed in England. The stricter measures went into effect today in Liverpool and Merseyside, where pubs, bars, gyms, swimming pools, casinos, gambling halls were closed and meetings between people other than households were banned. At the same time, outlets, restaurants, schools and universities remain open.

Portugal will introduce stricter measures tomorrow in an attempt to stop the spread of the coronavirus, Reuters reported. These include stricter restrictions to round up more people and stiffer penalties for violators.

“I know a lot of people are tired of the restrictions. I also know how many people, especially young people, have the misconception that the risks of COVID-19 are weaker for them. But that perception is illusory. COVID-19 carries a risk. for you. and also a great risk of transmitting the infection to others, “said Prime Minister Antonio Costa.

As of tomorrow, meetings of more than 5 people are not allowed. Except for weddings and baptisms, up to 50 people are allowed. College coupons are prohibited. The fines for companies that do not comply with the restrictions are doubled and their upper limit will vary from 5 to 10,000 euros.

Kosta will also present a proposal to parliament to wear masks in crowded public places outdoors, and use of the government-initiated StayAway Covid mobile tracking app will be mandatory for some categories of employees.

The prime minister said the government would not hesitate to impose further restrictions if the spread of the virus does not slow down.

Portugal, with a population of 10 million, had relatively favorable indicators in the first stage of the pandemic, for which it was praised, but on Saturday it registered a record number of 1,646 new infections per day for the first time. The government expects the economy to contract 8.5 percent this year due to the coronavirus crisis.

Bosnia and Herzegovina today confirmed a record 482 new cases of coronavirus infection per day and 11 deaths, Reuters reported.

Since the beginning of the epidemic in the country with a population of around 3.3 million, a total of 31,655 infected have been registered, of which 958 have died.

Croatia (748 with a population of around 4 million) and Slovenia (707 with a population of around 2 million) also saw record numbers of new infections, Reuters notes.

The number of new cases of coronavirus infection in Switzerland marked a record growth 24 hours a day, the DPA reported.

The Swiss Public Health Service reported 2,823 new infections in the last 24 hours, which is almost double the previous day.

Tomorrow, the 26 cantons of Switzerland will discuss the situation with the increase in coronavirus cases.

The French-speaking canton of Geneva today announced restrictions on the number of participants in public events. Only up to 15 people can meet in public places.

Visitors to clubs and bars will have to wear protective masks after the recent discovery of clumps of infection in such places.

At least 908,056 cases of the new coronavirus have been reported in Spain since the country’s pandemic. This is demonstrated by the data published today on the website of the Ministry of Health, cited by TASS.

The agency yesterday announced a total of 896,086 infected people, and the total number of deaths from COVID-19 in the country reached 33,413.

In its statistics, the Ministry of Health does not provide data on deaths in the last 24 hours, but reports that 486 people have died in a week.

In Spain a state of emergency was declared in mid-March. This measure made it possible to restrict the movement of the population. The deadline for the emergency situation expired on June 21, recalls TASS.

Bars and restaurants in the Spanish province of Catalonia will be closed for 15 days starting tomorrow night, in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, local authorities said today, quoted by AFP.

The announcement of the drastic measures came after the partial closure of the Madrid area and the introduction of other restrictive measures in the areas of Andalusia, Navarra and Galicia to combat the growth of new infections in Spain, where the pandemic killed more than 33,000 people.

Restaurants and bars will not be able to serve customers on site, they will only sell food for the home. The harsh measures adopted to avoid the total quarantine in the coming weeks were announced at a press conference by Pere Aragones, acting prime minister of the region.

“We have to limit dinners with friends, weekend outings, meetings with friends and family, as well as the people who can and should participate in them,” added the President of the Catalan Government.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called on German governments to work together to stop the cronavirus pandemic. He said it after a meeting with the heads of provincial governments, reported DPA.

Merkel asked meeting participants if they want bold steps to be taken or how they will be done week after week in the spring.

Merkel’s government is pushing for stricter rules on wearing masks and closing hotels and other accommodation in areas where there are large numbers of people infected with the coronavirus.

Bavarian Prime Minister Marcus Zoeder called for swift and united action. He invited his colleagues to present at a future meeting, which could take place in 10 days, proposals for a unified system of measures to combat the virus.

North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Lachet, who is in the opposite position, expressed skepticism about restrictions on private celebrations.

Schleswig-Holstein Prime Minister Daniel Gunther said he believed private events were the main spread of the virus.

German Health Minister Jens Spahn announced today that a new testing regimen would be introduced tomorrow, with a focus on high-risk groups and healthcare workers rather than those returning from a trip abroad.

The new rules for the quarantine of returnees from high-risk areas abroad will apply until November 8, and the quarantine is for 10 days, government spokesman Steffen Seibert said. Quarantine can only be avoided if a test result of up to 48 hours is negative.

A similar rule applies to Germany itself. There, people cannot travel from a high-risk area to other parts of the country unless they test negative for the coronavirus.

Following Merkel’s meeting with provincial leaders, new restrictions were announced.

The number of participants in private events is limited in the country, to two households and 10 people in those parts of Germany identified as outbreaks of the coronavirus. Bars and restaurants in these areas will close at 11am. The new rules will apply in areas with more than 50 new infections per 100,000 residents within a week, according to the DPA.

Slovenia has protested against Austria’s decision to continue border control at the Austrian-Slovenian border, saying it is protecting the external Schengen borders well, the STA news agency reported.

Austria announced today that it will extend border controls with Slovenia and Hungary for another six months, until May 14, 2021. Interior Minister Karl Nehammer cited an influx of migrants, security concerns and COVID-19 as the cause.

Nehamer has notified the decision to the European Commission, the president of the European Parliament and the EU interior ministers.

Austria introduced border control within the Schengen area in 2015 to intensify the wave of migrants.
