France declares state of emergency –


The french government declared a state of emergency due to the complicated health situation in the country, which begins at midnight on Friday, Sky News reported.

In a statement, the government announced that COVID-19 is a disaster that threatens the health of population and justifies the adoption of strict measures.

However, the message is concise and does not give more details. It was also confirmed by the office of President Emmanuel Macron.

We remind you that the measure has already been entered and expired on July 10.

She will allow the government to implement more stringent measures in the future, both locally and nationally.

France braces for tougher measures after spike in infections

France braces for tougher measures after spike in infections

The situation in the country’s hospitals is deteriorating

It will be introduced over the next 4 weeks. curfew from 21 to 6 in the morning and sanctions for violators such as a fine of 135 euros.

The measure is valid for: the Ile-de-France region and the cities of Lille, Rouen, Saint-Etienne, Toulouse, Lyon, Grenoble, Aix and Montpellier.

The theaters, restaurants and bars of the оle-de-France and the eight cities affected by the curfew, will have to close at 9 pm

However, no national blockade is currently envisaged. The situation is worrying but the country has not yet lost control of the pandemic.

This was announced tonight by President Macron in the expected 45-minute television interview on the subject of the new measures in the country.

Parliament may extend these measures until 1 December.

The head of state made the stipulation that the authorities will comply with valid work reasons so that citizens are not at home after 9 pm

The measures are implemented after a jump in the number of infected, which exceeds 22,000 per day. The country He is currently fighting a second wave, which Macron also confirmed during his interview.

French Prime Minister Jean Castex warned days agothat France may impose additional restrictions, as the coronavirus spreads rapidly Y the situation in the country’s hospitals is deteriorating.

Called Castex the French to restrict private meetings in their homes. He said that “the general blockade of the “country” must be avoided by all means“.

France's prime minister spoke again about quarantine

France’s prime minister spoke again about quarantine

Try to stop the pandemic

Nine major cities, including Paris and Marseille, have been put on high alert due to the virus.

France is one of the most affected countries in Europe, with at least 32,730 deaths related to the virus.
