After the sale of the diploma: the doctor of the Hospital de la Quinta Ciudad requested the discharge


Continuation of the story with the doctor, who in protest sells his award for high professionalism. Dr. Dimitar Kehayov claims to be at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus, but does not receive the additional remuneration of BGN 1,000.

Early this morning, Dr. Kehayov examined another patient. During the night she was on shift at ISUL “Queen Joanna”, now she is in a private polyclinic, and during the weekend she will be at the Fifth City Hospital in the capital. “I am tired, I am tired. I would sleep with pleasure. I will receive BGN purely, in 3 jobs, for 390 hours,” says Dr. Kehayov.

Yesterday, the doctor sent a letter to the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, in which he states that he receives less than 900 BGN and does not receive a bonus of 1,000 BGN for working on the front line of the Fifth City Hospital.


In protest, he sold the diploma for his work in the attack in Sarafovo. The price is BGN 638.24, the same as the hole in the family budget. In March this year, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov announced that all front-line doctors in the fight against COVID-19 would receive an additional salary of BGN 1,000.


“Every day I have fibrillary patients who sneeze and cough into my face, how do I know who is infected? I want everyone, as the Prime Minister said, to receive these 1,000 BGN, without making those gypsy bills. All of us are on the front lines, “said Dr. Kehayov.


The director of the Fifth City Hospital, Dr. Boril Petrov, claims that Dr. Kehayov did not treat a patient with coronavirus and is therefore not entitled to the extra money.

“Dr. Kehayov does not work in the COVID department. He works in an emergency room. And if Dr. Kehayov examines a patient who then has a positive PCR test, he will receive this reward. To date, this has not happened. At the forefront are the doctors of the COVID wards and the doctors of the Emergency Medical Service, who distribute to patients. Is Dr. Kehayov on the front line? No, he is not on the front line because he does not work COVID ward, so far not only paid these additional fees, because they have not examined or identified a patient with a proven positive PCR test, “said the director of the Fifth City Hospital.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, bonuses for working on the front line at the Fifth City Hospital have been paid to 300 people out of a total of 400 employees. Who receives 1,000 BGN is additionally determined by the directors of the hospitals, in accordance with the criteria decided by the Ministry of Health. When bTV requested clarification, the department responded in writing that it concerns all employees who perform direct monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

And Dr. Kehayov has requested to leave the Fifth City Hospital.
