COVID-19: What is the situation in our country’s schools?


3 classes per thousand in the country are closed

Since the beginning of the year, 98 children have tested positive for coronavirus. This means that an average of 5 children get sick every day. There are more infected teachers: 138.

3 classes per thousand in the country are closed and children study at a distance. In percentage terms, this means that only 0.3% of the system is online.

REGISTRATION: 436 new cases of COVID-19 in our country

There will be a total closure of schools and a shift to distance learning if 20% of children have COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms.

The Minister of Education clarified that these are also threshold values ​​for seasonal flu. According to Krassimir Valchev, the first cases of COVID-19 were brought to school, but now the virus is spreading within schools.

Kunchev: With the increase in those infected by COVID-19, there may be new measures

“The action plan is the one we elaborated in the summer: schools change individual classes, entire schools will be closed if the thresholds to be approved by the Ministry of Health are exceeded, but this is more likely to maintain current numbers,” he said Valchev.

GPs will issue referrals for a PCR test

“It is much more likely that a school, or schools in a municipality and district, will be closed in the event of a flu epidemic, where children get sick much more in percentage and number than in the coronavirus,” he added.

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