Rumors: 1. Trump is not sick at all. 2. It is so bad that it is replaced by a double


Trump defiantly removes his mask. to be photographed after returning to the White House. PHOTO: Reuters

The complete haze over Trump’s actual health, sparked by conflicting information over the weekend, has led to the spread of all manner of rumors, the US and British media write.

The Los Angeles Times recalls that by the summer, the president had detected more than 20,000 lies since the beginning of his term, so everything around him should be questioned. The newspaper writes that hours after Trump announced his positive test, many Americans wondered:

may l

We believe


serial liar?

On Friday, before it became clear that the president’s condition had worsened and he would be admitted to a hospital, the country’s liberal media summarized posts and group talks filled with conspiracy theories. Is it possible that a month before the elections, the disease was part of a conspiracy conceived by Trump, who himself is a supporter and popularizer of conspiracy theories? MNC presenter Joy Ann Ryde wrote on Twitter that her smartphone was filled with messages from people who were convinced that Trump was not really sick with COVID-19.

90% of the emails sent to WHYY radio in Philadelphia also insisted that the diagnosis was false. The listeners’ explanations were that this was a way for Trump to escape the more serious accusation that he had underestimated the measures against the pandemic and claim, based on his own experience, that the virus was not really that terrible. Others pointed out that it was a possible illness.

elegant way

to explain

his lost

In the elections

In an analysis, The British Guardian summarizes the rumors circulating about Trump’s illness: He is not sick at all. He is very seriously ill and may die, but they are hiding. In the car on Monday, they did not show him, but his double. The disease is false to provoke the sympathy of Christians.

The AP provided a brief description of what Trump’s real condition is and what is unknown about his illness. This question became even more relevant after an 8-second video was posted on Twitter, showing how difficult it is for the president to catch his breath on the balcony after returning to the White House.

According to the agency, it is still unclear how ill the head of state was and how ill he is now. During his briefings, his personal physician, Sean Conley, never gave an answer as to why the president had received the recommended treatment for severe cases of COVID-19. He was treated with remdesivir, an experimental drug that supplies the body with antibodies to help the immune system fight the virus, and the steroid dexamethasone, which has been shown to help only in severe cases.

The agency also revealed that Trump is

refused to

to reveal

the result of

scanner on

your lungs,

showing the damage the virus has done to you. Conley also declined to say when was Trump’s last negative test to track down those he had been in close contact with since.

The White House has not specified what measures are being taken to stop the spread in the leader’s inner circle, where a dozen advisers, members of Congress and political figures have been positive. None

how long


will remain


upon your return to the residence.

Other interesting details emerged about the COVID-19 saga at the highest level in the US government.The Wall Street Journal revealed that Trump first concealed his positive result and met with reporters from Fox News. The President’s positive test was officially announced on October 2 and on the 1st he learned he was infected. According to sources in the publication, the president asked his adviser to also remain silent. The same day he went to an interview on his favorite television. When asked by the presenter, he replied that he had done a test, but did not know the result yet.

Trump said he and his wife, Melania, were infected the night of October 2, when it became clear that his adviser, Hope Hicks, who accompanied him everywhere, was ill. The leader’s tweet that he and his wife tested positive received the most likes in his account’s history – nearly 2 million.

Vanity Fair journalist Gabriel Sherman claims that when he learned of the positive test, Trump panicked. I kept asking the same question:

“I’m going to die?”

I will probably die

as Stan Chera “

Businessman Stan Chera, one of the president’s closest friends, died of COVID-19 in April.

CNN reports that the head of state was not at all happy with the way his hospitalization was affected. Television believes he made his unreasonable car trip Monday to show strength.

“Trump took a leisurely stroll because of his insatiable thirst for attention,” tweeted actor Curtis Armstrong, whose father died of a coronavirus, and was not allowed to say goodbye.
